Building Together: How to Organize a Collaboration
/Building together many times beats building alone, so how do you approach starting a LEGO collab? What kinds of options are there for the organization, layout and theme?
Read MoreBuilding together many times beats building alone, so how do you approach starting a LEGO collab? What kinds of options are there for the organization, layout and theme?
Read MoreThere are some things that only happen once in a lifetime, and five siblings attending a LEGO convention together is one of them! So when that happened at Brickworld Chicago, we had to go all out with a collaboration.
Read MoreFrom concept to recruiting, building to editing, Island of Doom is a collab of revitalization worth your time. It brought together ambitious LEGO fans from all around the world who shared their passion, talent and artistic skills to showcase the best the Bionicle community has to offer.
Read MoreFor the past seven years builders Ben Cossy and Eli Brinsmead have collaborated for Brickvention Australia. The thing is though, they live on opposite sides of Australia, which is a BIG place. So it’s only through careful communication that their collabs work, because they aren’t brought together until the convention. And work they do, either build is a stunning piece on it’s own, but together they’re showstoppers. Click through for more pictures and keep an eye out for upcoming videos featuring this amazing collaboration.
I can't decide what's more mind blowing about this epic award winning MOC by long time collaborators Eli Brinsmead and Ben Cossy. The sheer awesomeness of the build, with it's multiple levels, chambers and storytelling, or the fact that it's a collaboration by two guys that live on opposite sides of Australia and it wasn't joined until they went to Brickvention. I've collaborated with other builders in the same room and it's challenging, I can't fathom the amount of planning and dedication that went into this.
Check out this absolutely epic steampunk build from CASTOR-TROY. There is so much detail and rich story telling it's kinda hard to wrap my head around. No detail pictures yet, but there are a lot of work in progress photos after the jump, so you can get a good glimpse. And the more mind boggling aspect is this is a smaller part of a collaboration, I can't wait to see the whole thing revealed.
What is it with humans? We've been squabbling over everything for as long as we've been walking upright (and probably before). We're just not wired for cooperation or coexistence it seems, or maybe not. It's kinda ironic that this depiction of man's tendency to bonk each other on the head and not work together is the product of two builders collaborating. Nice work SirWilsonBricks and The Maestro, you give me hope in humanity.
I hope you brought your jacket (and maybe some armor, just in case). This is the chilly realm of Nordheim, a collaborative build by jsnyder002 and soccersnyderi. This premiered at BrickFair VA last week, and I'm certain it must have been quite the sight in person. It's 130×98 studs and weighs a whopping 87 pounds, that's a serious diorama. I highly recommend clicking through and checking out both of their photo streams for more pics, this thing is packed with detail and fun surprises.
Builder The Deathly Halliwell is inviting those attending Brickworld Chicago to join him and Brick Works Industries in contributing to their Warhammer 40k layout. And if these MOCs here are any indication, it's going to be pretty epic. If you're interested contact Tyler and get building!
You just have to wonder about theme park operators and giant, dangerous, prehistoric beasts. Haven't those guys seen those other two movies? Anyway, feast your eyes on this truly epic MOC by markus19840420, it's part of a collaboration with Disco86 and absolutely jaw dropping. Normally I would wait until everything was posted and then feature, but I was so blown away by this I had to share. Stay tuned for the whole collaboration coming soon.
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