Becoming an AFOL: My LEGO Journey to BrickFair Virginia 2021

Becoming an AFOL: My LEGO Journey to BrickFair Virginia 2021

How do you go from being a casual fan of LEGO who just follows instructions to becoming an award-winning AFOL? Builder Liz Puleo shares her journey about how she found the LEGO community and her experiences at her first LEGO convention, BrickFair Virginia.

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The World's Northernmost Major LEGO Convention, Part 2: Go North!

The World's Northernmost Major LEGO Convention, Part 2: Go North!

At “På Kloss Hold” in Norway, the world’s northernmost LEGO fan convention, things have changed over the years. Read Are’s story to find out how the event expanded, how far people travel, and what this all has to do with chocolate!

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Bricks Cascade 2021: Let’s Have a Bricknic!

Bricks Cascade 2021: Let’s Have a Bricknic!

Bricks Cascade 2021 threw a grand picnic instead of a full LEGO convention—a Bricknic! What led to the decision, how did it go, and why is gathering in person so important to the community?

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Making the Most of a Mall: EnBlock 2021 in Singapore

Making the Most of a Mall: EnBlock 2021 in Singapore

What happens when you can’t bring people to a LEGO convention because of a pandemic? You bring LEGO to the people instead! This interview is how EnBlock 2021 in Singapore did everything they could to make their yearly LEGO exhibition happen—even installing display cases in a local mall.

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