BrickFair Virginia 2017 Recap

It's that time of year again. BrickFair Virginia 2017 wrapped up this past Sunday after five days of friends, games, shopping, and mostly LEGO. BrickFair is my favorite week of the year because of how friendly the LEGO community is. I saw lots of old friends and new friends this year, and in just the same way I saw lots of old and new MOC's. My fellow contributor Nathaniel was there this year as well, and we'd like to share some of our favorite MOC's of the weekend with you, below. You can find more information about BrickFair here. Nathaniel has written a few words about his experience at the convention below as well.

Hi guys! Nathaniel here. I can't believe that BrickFair has already ended. As the highlight of my summer, it always goes by too quickly. As Kodi said above, both he and I were there proudly representing BrickNerd to fellow exhibitors and the public. It was great to see old friends again, and make some new ones for future conventions. How can I summarize BrickFair Virginia, without spending hours describing it? It's simply pure joy. I would highly recommend it to any fellow LEGO builder. If you're really interested in seeing more of the convention, I would highly recommend that you head on over to Beyond the Brick's YouTube channel and await their guided video tour of the convention.

Already looking forward to next year! Until then, we will take our memories (and loot) and look to the future.

So long, BrickFair!

Kodi & Nathaniel

BrickFair Virginia (2016) Recap

Well, another year of BrickFair Virginia has come and gone.  Why must it always pass us by so quickly?!  Sad remarks aside, let's get into the joy that is BrickFair. 

As usual, the creations displayed were phenomenal!  There's always something new to see at this convention, which is a fact that I always look forward to when I attend.  I personally always enjoy meeting the upcoming builders that attend this event for their first time equally to reconnecting with old friends and other great builders.

It's easy for us here at BrickNerd to praise such a great convention, but what do other attendees have to say?  I conducted two brief interviews with a first timer at the convention and another builder who has attended for multiple years:

This was your first time as an exhibitor at a LEGO convention and attending BrickFair VA.  What was your favorite part about the event that makes you want to attend again next year?

Dominic M.:  "My favorite part about BrickFair is just about everything! There's plenty to do like meet new people, buy cool things, and show everyone what you can do as a LEGO builder! If you're a big fan of LEGO and you like to see other creations, or you want to show off your own, BrickFair is the place to go!"

I know that you have attended BrickFair VA for multiple years now.  What is it about this event that brings you back every year?

Joseph Z.:  "It gives me an opportunity to meet people in my community.  I also like the chance to see some of my favorite builds in person, and see old friends, of course!"

My fellow BrickNerd contributor Kodiak and I were both fortunate to attend the event and together have pulled together some photos of the highlights that were on display.  These photos are not enough to truly give you the experience, but hopefully they are enough to inspire you all to attend! 

Until next year, BrickFair!

Nathaniel & Kodiak



Nathaniel Stoner

     My name is Nathaniel Stoner, and I am an very active LEGO builder.  I mostly build in the themes of castle and science-fiction, but I also dabble in other genres and create occasional random MOC's (My Own Creations). 

     When I was younger, I would get and build small LEGO sets for my birthday, but I was never really into them.  When they fell apart, I would become frustrated attempting to put them back together and would throw them in a box in my closet.  I couldn't stand them!

     Then, miraculously, I became addicted to the LEGO brick later in my teen years.  Ever since, I have continued to build up (pun intended) my collection of bricks and to expand my knowledge of techniques and building skills.  LEGO is truly more than a toy, its an art form and a way to express yourself.

     For the most part, I collect LEGO Star Wars (mainly the minifigs), which is probably my favorite LEGO theme.  I have a fairly decent collection, including some of the original 1999 sets, such as the Snowspeeder, X-Wing, and Naboo starfighter.  I also collected LEGO the Lord of the Rings when those sets first came out.  The minifigs are great, and the story remains one of my favorites ever. 

     My hope is to inspire other young (and perhaps even older) LEGO builders to unleash their inner creativity!  You can find me on my Flikr here

Brickworld 2016

Another Brickworld is in the bag, and boy was it a brick-tastic few days! We saw a phenomenal amount of new and creative MOCs, and are continually impressed with how the community pushes the medium forward.
If you've never attended a convention before and live in the U.S. Midwest (or anywhere in the world really) I highly recommend that you visit this convention at least once in your lifetime. Brickworld is traditionally held over a long Father's day weekend in June. The convention offers multiple ways to attend including public viewing days however, we do suggest going as a registered attendee for the full experience.

-Bart, Mel, and Philip