The DNA of Dino Dudes 2: A Sequel Interview with Guy Himber

The DNA of Dino Dudes 2: A Sequel Interview with Guy Himber

Dino Dudes are back and ready for their encore! We speak with Guy Himber from Crazy Bricks about revisiting the theme, what they learned from their first campaign, and why these dinos were chosen for the second batch. Plus BrickNerd readers will get a special perk for supporting the Kickstarter for today only!

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Diving Deep with Dino Dudes: An Interview with Guy Himber

Diving Deep with Dino Dudes: An Interview with Guy Himber

The LEGO community encompasses many people from designers in Billund to builders far and wide and thousands of enthusiasts in between. At LEGO fan conventions, you get a good cross-section of where all these people come together with builders, photographers, resellers, printers, and engravers sharing their passion projects. One of the frequent faces at these events is Guy Himber of Crazy Bricks who I got nerdy with chatting about his recent project of prehistoric proportions, Dino Dudes.

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Lumbricidae Park

I don’t know about you, but when I think of earthworms I think of dumb and blind little tube-like creatures that do nothing but process organic matter into dirt. Now I’d expect their ancestors to be the same, but according to Tino Poutiainen not only are they dumb and blind, but also very, very, hungry. Let’s just hope that they’d rather make dirt instead of human remains should a Jurassic Park situation arise.

Diggin' Dinos

cmaddison's quest for the Iron Builder throne continues with this wonderful little diorama depicting a paleontological dig in some arid location. The discovery is a hapless stegosaurus it would appear. Bad luck for the dino some 65 million years ago, good luck for the scientists who have found what looks to be a rare complete fossilized skeleton.

A Bad Day, 65 Million Years Ago

Nom Nom

Normally, I would rather stay away from anything from the Michael Bay Transformer movies. I haven't seen them and I don't want to. Also, I normally shy away from digitally built LEGO, and normally, I'm not a huge fan of Bionicle. But today I don't care about any of that, because this robot dinosaur by Nicola Stocchi is awesome. I think one of the coolest things is how it blends Bionicle and System pieces so cohesively. There are very few builds with Bionicle in them that look this convincing. Also, when I first saw this, I thought it was a really nicely photographed physical model, and was really surprised to read that it's digital. The render for this picture is very impressive, and makes the model even more menacing. Definitely wouldn't want to meet this thing on a dark night.

Lego Grimlock