Is FebRovery the Best Month of the Year?

Is FebRovery the Best Month of the Year?

How did FebRovery get started in the LEGO community and what is the standing appeal of this building theme-month? Come with us as we explore its creation and discover the nostalgia, ingenuity and community-focus that brings us together over rolling rovers.

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LEGO Contest Round-Up for February 2021

LEGO Contest Round-Up for February 2021

Sometimes a spark of imagination, a group theme, prizes or even a deadline is all you need to get building! Here are all the LEGO community contests for the month of FebRovery… um, actually February!

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Black Rover, Black Rover, Send the Impeder Over!

Black Rover, Black Rover, Send the Impeder Over!

Despite being a year old, or from the “before times” as some members in my LUG call it, Capt. Dad’s first building foray into the land of Neo-Classic Blacktron got noticed by BrickNerd’s Message Intercept Base. I do love a good rover, and it is a great way to kick off Febrovery!

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Blurred Vision

I feel the need, the need for speed!. One of things I love to see is great Lego photography.  granada_tunier blurs the background to give the impression of high speed movement, almost like being in a wind tunnel and the rover looks like its been driven straight off of the next "Rescue Matt Damon" Space Adventure! Built as part of the Febrovery 2016 build challenge, this will take some beating.

Febrovery 2016