Sadako Vs. Kayako: Dawn of Civil War

For those who don't know, Sadako and Kayako come from Japan's two most famous horror movie series, Ringu and Ju-on respectively.  What's the significance you may ask?  Well, Japan has seen two "Versus" movies so far this year and there is yet one more to come.  In March there was Batman v. Superman, in April there was Civil War, and in mid-June there will be Sadako vs. Kayako.  At first I thought it was a joke when I saw the teaser poster at the conbini (convenience store) around the corner from my workplace as it was nearly identical to the BvS poster, but apparently this movie is really happening.  I'm not sure if I'll go see it but I can guarantee these two ghostly ladies won't be as cute as builder delayice makes them.

sadako vs kayako