Aldingham Keep

While the first word that leaps to mind to describe this wonderful keep by Brother Seven would probably be "tall", I'm going to go with "clean". While I truly appreciate a craggy, richly textured castle build, it seems they're all that way any more. That makes this especially clean tower stand out all the more, and it's a gleaming while treat for the eyes.

Aldingham Keep

Sea Haven

The lengths that people have to go to feel safe has not changed much through the years. These days we have perimeter walls, armed guards and high tech security systems, back in the day we  built castles and keeps, sometimes in crazy places. This outstanding diorama by builder Blufiji depicts such a place, the small keep of Lord Askvoll and his family. I can't imagine the kids did much running around in that yard, that or they started with more kids.

Sea Haven