Gotta Go Fast!

For as long as we've been building machines to go reasonably fast, there's been a select few who make them go unreasonably fast. And with the invention of the internal combustion engine, the speed (and the stakes) got even higher, and we've been fascinated since. Like this scene marvelously recreated by builder Pixeljunkie of 1929 Monoco Grand Prix featuring his beautiful Bugatti, the crowd loves it.

1929 MONACO Grand Prix feat. Bugatti Type 37A

Vintage Racing

I don't think there could be a more stark contrast than comparing modern race cars to their vintage counterparts. But will all the advancements in safety, aerodynamics, horsepower and materials, something of the spirit of the originals has been lost. Of course the end goal all along as been to go faster than the other guys, but man were the vintage cars beautiful. This recreation of a 1930's era car by builder redfern1950s is absolutely gorgeous, and really captures the feel of what it was to be built for speed in a time when craftsmanship still mattered.

1930's racing car
1930's racing car
1930's caring car

Super Speedway

That's right race fans, this is how you display cars! Builder Brick Knight brings us the Super Speedway, and it's a seriously detailed and huge MOC. There's something for everyone here, including some super hero and celebrity cameos, race action, crash action and of course lots of snacks. Do yourself a favor and click through for tons more pics of this terrific MOC.

Slot Car

The sound of the motors, the slight whiff of something burning, the crashes at the turns, the track that doesn't *quite* fit together perfectly. It's slot car racing, and it's pretty much a thing of the past. They are still available, but back in the 60s they were extremely popular. The rise of the RC car marked the beginning of the end of the hobby, but it still has a special place in a generation's heart. This MOC by Legopard captures it's essence perfectly, from the controller to the iconic track.

Ready for a Carrera race?

Sprint Cars

Sprint car racing is pretty impressive to watch. They actually race them in a nearby town and I've been a couple times. The speed is fast, the track is small, the smell is pungent, the sound is loud and the crashes are spectacular. They are small too, you don't so much get in them as much as you "put them on". Speaking of small, check out these two in bricks by Lino M...perfect. 

Sprint Racers!

Ferrari SF15-T

While I don't personally follow F1, but I have some friends that do, and I know that the season opens this weekend. But you don't have to be race fan to appreciate this expertly crafted and beautifully photographed MOC by Nathanael L. The contours and details on this thing are as sculpted and gorgeous as the real car, it just screams speed.

Ferrari SF15-T (1)
Ferrari SF15-T (11)
Ferrari SF15-T (13)

Thanks for the head's up nlay3!

Alfa Romeo 8C 2600 Monza

What we have here is one sleek-looking, crimson beauty. I mean seriously, look at this thing! It would be amazing in any color, but is even more so in the rare LEGO dark red. The build is chock full of great little details including foot pedals, shifter, and a fully modeled engine under the hood.

They just don't make cars like this anymore.

Alfa Romeo 8C 2600 Monza (1933 spec)-Scuderia Ferrari
Alfa Romeo 8C 2600 Monza (1933 spec)-Scuderia Ferrari