Mecha Coelacanth

It’s just a logical extrapolation, the coelacanth has been around for millions of years, it seems inevitable that it will be around in the distant future, and prowling the sea bottom in mecha form. And honestly, I don’t know what’s more terrifying, the present (and ancient) version, or the mechanical version depicted here by builder ToyForce 120.


This is how it ends for nearly all life in the ocean. You're minding your own business, maybe contemplating the next novel you'll write or perhaps a vacation to another reef when CHOMP! With the exception of a relatively small number of apex predators or large sea life, it all ends with a sudden realization you're in the mouth of a larger creature. A clever and fun MOC by builder lummerlander.

JAWS: Unpublished Scenes - Pt.1