LEGO UFOs: The Truth Is Out There…
/Alright BrickNerd fans, it’s World UFO Day! So put on your tinfoil hats and prepare for some missing time as we look to the skies for some stellar LEGO UFOs.
Read MoreAlright BrickNerd fans, it’s World UFO Day! So put on your tinfoil hats and prepare for some missing time as we look to the skies for some stellar LEGO UFOs.
Read MoreYou don’t need a lot of bricks to make a creative MOC. This build by Tom Gerardin depicting an alien abduction in some metropolitan city is a perfect example. Love the little tank, but the highlight is the usage of the new Giraffe Guy collectible minifig’s snout as an alien head. Brilliant!
If you're a fan of Gerry Anderson's UFO (and even if you're not) you have to appreciate the love and care that went into this awesome S.H.A.D.O. maintenance bay by builder Norton74. To further enhance the viewing experience I highly recommend visiting this link and listening to what is my opinion one of the greatest TV themes of all time.
Despite being almost unknown in the US, I distinctly remember having a toy of this vehicle as a kid (I also recall losing the missile, heartbreak), the UFO S.H.A.D.O. Interceptor. I recall the show being long on talking and slow on action, but having the coolest theme music ever. So the moment I saw this brilliant version of the ship by builder Norton74, the memories came flooding back, and now the theme song is stuck in my head.
For those that are familiar with it, you know that UFO was a pretty cool series. It had awesome vehicles, gripping action (eventually), groovy hairdos and one of the best themes ever. It didn't get much airplay in the US, but I was always a Gerry Anderson fan, and when it was on, I was watching. So this excellent S.H.A.D.O mobile evo from Norton74 gives me the warm fuzzies.
Even aliens need better ways of getting around than with their own feet. You all know about UFO's, but what about UWM's (Unidentified Walking Machine)? Building mechs is a popular subject for many skilled LEGO builders. Chris Maddison has put his own unique twist on a mechanized suit. If you were an astronaut exploring a new world, how would you like to run into this thing, let alone an alien? I imagine not too happy. The popular depiction of aliens known as the Greys describes skinny humanoid figures with large heads and even bigger eyes. Chris has definitely captured the skinny aspect, and even included some long fingers! A very creative build.
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