Making Minimalism a Big Deal

Making Minimalism a Big Deal

There’s an art to picking the perfect LEGO element for a model, and builder Dan Ko does it masterfully. The parts he chooses to build with transcend from their original purpose to become something entirely different and more beautiful, yet minimal and elegant.

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The Vulture Is Swooping

Swords, knives, guns, droid arms, binoculars -- all put to good use in this MOC! Spider-Man: Homecoming comes out in just a few weeks. Custom Vulture designs was something I knew I would see several of in time. This is the first high quality model of Vulture's suit I've seen produced by a builder thus far. Truly a work of art, shaping and filling the gaps by using parts that would've never been used in such ways. If you'd like a full 360 look, check out the video on Grantmasters' photostream.


Nathaniel Stoner

     My name is Nathaniel Stoner, and I am an very active LEGO builder.  I mostly build in the themes of castle and science-fiction, but I also dabble in other genres and create occasional random MOC's (My Own Creations). 

     When I was younger, I would get and build small LEGO sets for my birthday, but I was never really into them.  When they fell apart, I would become frustrated attempting to put them back together and would throw them in a box in my closet.  I couldn't stand them!

     Then, miraculously, I became addicted to the LEGO brick later in my teen years.  Ever since, I have continued to build up (pun intended) my collection of bricks and to expand my knowledge of techniques and building skills.  LEGO is truly more than a toy, its an art form and a way to express yourself.

     For the most part, I collect LEGO Star Wars (mainly the minifigs), which is probably my favorite LEGO theme.  I have a fairly decent collection, including some of the original 1999 sets, such as the Snowspeeder, X-Wing, and Naboo starfighter.  I also collected LEGO the Lord of the Rings when those sets first came out.  The minifigs are great, and the story remains one of my favorites ever. 

     My hope is to inspire other young (and perhaps even older) LEGO builders to unleash their inner creativity!  You can find me on my Flikr here