Native American Heritage and LEGO Representation

Native American Heritage and LEGO Representation

LEGO has included some “Indian” representation in their sets for a while, albeit, stereotypical and generalist views of Native American culture. Things have gotten a little better with time, so today we take a deep dive into the subject to mark Native American Heritage Month.

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Making Minimalism a Big Deal

Making Minimalism a Big Deal

There’s an art to picking the perfect LEGO element for a model, and builder Dan Ko does it masterfully. The parts he chooses to build with transcend from their original purpose to become something entirely different and more beautiful, yet minimal and elegant.

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Pif Paf City

Howdy stranger, you new around these parts? Well, welcome to Pif Paf, I'm the local blacksmith Clement Sturkle. Homesteader huh? Well you're going to like it here. Old Jeb serves up a great skillet up at the bar, and of course there's plenty to drink. And the train comes through here Tuesdays and Fridays, so there's always plenty of goods for trade. Oh and a friendly tip, stay upwind of the cattle, whew! Can I interest you in new shoes for that pinto?

Pif Paf City 2
Pif Paf City 2