Star Wars Racer

While I might not be a big prequel fan, I did appreciate the podrace from Episode 1, and the video games that followed, and I really dig this latest creation by tkel86. It combines LEGO, Mindstorms and Star Wars to great effect, making an arcade game that l would absolutely love to try. Check out the video to see it in action, it's amazing.



First generation mindstormers should get a kick out of this one. It's the RCX, the first programmable brick in the LEGO Mindstorms robotics system. I had two of these babies way back when, I still have one (donated the other to a school). Builder nobu_tary has faithfully recreated this classic so well I actually did a double take while scrolling Flickr.


High Tech Vintage Communication

I imagine if you had told Samuel Morse way back in the mid 1800's that in the future someone would use a combination of a child's toy and a rather advanced robotics system to make a system that could interpret his code and write it out in legible words on paper, he might have called the men in white coats to haul you off. But that's precisely what mad genius Jason Allemann has created here. And of course being the awesome guy he is, he shared the instructions to build your own on his website

Telegraph Machine
Telegraph Key
Telegraph Codex

Easter Eggs Decorated By Robot

LEGO mechanical genius JKBrickworks is back with another fantastic project that you can build yourself, just in time for easter! The egg decorating machine is a fairly simple gadget and has been around for ages, I remember playing with the "Decoregger" when I was a kid, but with the addition of LEGO EV3, it's all the more fun. Head over to the Jason's website for everything you need to build your own.


I posted this a while back while it was still a work in progress, but now it's done and a true work of art. This is Bricasso, a LEGO mosaic printer by JK Brickworks. I could go into some lengthy descriptions about how it works and the intricacies of it, but why bother, just check out the video and marvel at this little mechanical wonder.

Bricasso - LEGO Mosaic Printer

G2 Repair Droid (Goose Droid)

You all know what a Star Wars and Disney geek I am, so where those two met always had my attention (and now they're one and the same, I'm doomed). When Star Tours opened in 1986 I was blown away. The ride was fun, even if it always made me a little queasy, but what I always enjoyed was the queue, especially these little guys. What you may not know is the basic structure of the Goose Droid is actually a repurposed animatronic frame of a goose from America Sings, hence it's nickname. Joe Meno has crafted three of these little guys, the largest being animated with LEGO Mindstorms robotics. Cue Star Tours public announcement tone.

Robotic Hand


Here at BrickNerd we like to look back from time to time, even to our own past. Way back before I made the switch to digital effects I did creature effects and animatronics. I've built many hands in my time, but I don't think any were as cool as this one from Barman76. I really like the linkage on the fingers, allowing all four to gracefully move independently, but be driven by two motors, genius! Watch the video, you'll be amazed.
