Jedi Master

It took a lot of guts to use a puppet to represent a powerful Jedi master and mentor in the sequel to the most popular movie of all time. But bringing together the talents of Stuart Freeborn and Frank Oz made it work, and the gamble paid off. Now master Yoda is part of our lives, recognized around the world, represented in all forms of art including LEGO sculpture, like this stellar example by builder Felix Jaensch.


Santa Yoda

After I was done opening my presents yesterday I looked around and realized just how big a Star Wars fan I am. I was wearing Star Wars sleep pants, a Han and Chewie shirt, a jedi robe. In my pile of presents was a Stormtrooper helmet, model kits of R2-D2 and C-3PO, SW collector cards, a SW checkbook cover and more. And they all made me happy as could me. You'd swear Santa Yoda, depicted here by M<0><0>DSWIM, was the one that came down the chimney this year.

The Force Meets Minions

I do enjoy a good mashup, and builder car_mp has brought together two things that needed to be united, Star Wars and Minions. Although, Luke would probably argue that learning from Yoda was difficult enough, now he speaks in nonsensical bursts and craves bananas? At least Lando probably never knew what the deal was so he didn't know it was getting worse.

MInion Yoda
Minion Vader and Minion Solo

Tour de Force


Here at BrickNerd, we pay tribute to MOCs from days gone by, and from galaxies far, far away. When I was just diving into the AFOL scene way back when, and discovering Flickr as the gathering place for MOC photos, I discovered an amazing builder. Not only an amazing builder, but a real character, and soon a dear friend, Iain Heath. This series of Star Wars characters still makes me smile every time I look at them. 

Tour de Force