BrickNerd HQ: There Goes the Neighborhood

It’s been a while since we checked in with the crew at BrickNerd Headquarters. Ever since the boss returned from his big trip, the team has been diligently back to the task at hand—no time for childish antics plus toilet paper is at a premium! In fact, the contributors have been working late into the evenings, keeping that nerdy LEGO content flowing for our loyal readers. Let’s take a peek at what they’re up to.

We join ElBarto as he returns to BrickNerd HQ after a quick dinner…

ElBarto: “Mmm… Gas station sushi, maybe not such a great idea, but it was tasty! Hey, it looks like the neighbors are out and about for once. Hello neighbors!”


ElBarto: “Hope you have a good eve… what the… is that a power cutter? Yeah, don’t mind me…”


[mumbling]: “Hey, don’t forget the shovel—we’re gonna need that, too.”


ElBarto: “Hey everyone, you see those guys next door? Our neighbors? Does anyone have an idea what they actually do?”


Duggo: “I’ve got no idea—whatever it is, I can’t find ‘em on the internet anywhere.”


Kitty: “So that’s what you’ve been searching for all this time!? I just figured… ”


Dave: “Annnyway, I was here until 2 am last night editing, and I heard all sorts of arguing. And something that sounded like a nail gun… maybe. By the way, Nerdly shaped grilled cheeses for everybody will be up in a half-hour!”

Everybody: “Woot!”


Simon: “Given the number of power tools I’ve observed, I expect they must be in some sort of construction-related business. In spite of all that racket, it doesn’t appear to hinder our productivity here, creating quality, community-minded content for our worldwide LEGO-fan readership! Except for maybe today, of course.”


Gwyneth: “I think they’re brothers, actually. But they don’t seem to dress like construction guys. One of them’s always in a suit.”


Inez: “Their last name is Bricaccio. I saw their name on a package the other day. They seem pretty content to just be with themselves, though they talk on their phones all the time.”

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Kai: “The Brothers Bricaccio, eh? Interesting…”


Malin: “I think it is a pretty catchy name!”


Ted: “Hey everyone, what’d I miss? Everything’s muffled with this lampshade I’m working on over my head. Did I hear sawing next door? I don’t think I saw any construction permits. There might be something a little sketchy about our neighbors.”


Duggo: “Shhh! They’re back. With some kinda big crate. It looks heavy! Do you think they need help?”


Rolli: “I think they’ve got it… but can you hear what they’re saying?”


[heavy mumbling]: “Keep it level! We don’t want anything spilling out!”


[relieved mumbling]: “We’ve got these bags triple lined, should be good to go.”


[exhausted mumbling]: “Man these are heavy. Are you sure these are the right ones?”


[mumbled mumbling]: “We’ll go to the usual place. We’ll be back before they even notice we’re gone.”


ElBarto: “Well… alrighty then!”

Dave: “Remind me, how long do we still have on our lease here!?”


Okay, BrickNerd fans, that’s another exciting installment of BrickNerd HQ! And if you’ve got a sig-fig of your own and would like to join us at BrickNerd HQ, join our Patreon to be in one of our upcoming comics!

Who knows what’ll happen next. Your guess is as good as mine!

Have you ever had neighbors you weren’t quite sure about? Let us know in the comments below!

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