LEGO Community Headlines and Highlights for December 2021

The LEGO community is lucky to have so many blogs, magazines and channels that create amazing content about our hobby. At BrickNerd, we celebrate getting nerdy about the bricks (and we have for a full year now)! This past month, we’ve explored the Inside Tour, LOTR and the dark arts. We learned to apply stickers and about diversity. We posted instructions for the Grinch and a present box—and we even marked Boxing Day. From Bionicle to Billund, we brought you some international holiday cheer and the results of our Nerdvember contest. And more! In fact, we’ve included an interactive calendar of all our articles at the bottom of this post so you can make sure you didn’t miss a thing.

But there are many more fascinating stories to be told from within the LEGO community, so here are some of the best LEGO articles that caught our contributors’ attention throughout the month of December. We applaud the effort that went into each of these features, so click on the headlines or photos to head to each story or video. They are well worth your time!

Bits N’ Bricks: 25 Years of LEGO Lessons

As the Bits N’ Bricks one-year celebration of LEGO Games’ 25th anniversary wraps up, we examine what lessons we learned, speak with some of those behind the podcast, and talk to LEGO Games thinkers about its future.

Bits N’ Bricks: The LEGO Game That Unlocked True Digital Creation

Perhaps the most important video game ever made for the LEGO Group was almost more tool than plaything. Over its nearly 25-year lifespan, LEGO® Creator evolved from an early-‘90s masterpiece to LEGO Digital Designer, used in crafting toys, games, and movies.

Blocks Magazine: Evolution of the LEGO Reindeer

How did we reach a point where we can buy a set packed with LEGO reindeer? By going through many brick built iterations! Read the story of how the LEGO reindeer flew to the heights of the modern version.

Brick Alliance: Building a LEGO Facebook Community – Brick by Brick

“Hey, why don’t we create our own Lego Facebook group?” Ten little words that started a journey for a handful of like-minded AFOLs nine months ago.

Brick Architect: Secret History of the Boutique Hotel with Anderson Ward Grubb & Ashwin Visser

In this interview, we chat with the designers who created this year’s excellent Modular Building, and uncover the inspiration and alternate designs which were considered along the way.

Brick Architect: Singapore Skyline Analysis

We don’t often link to product reviews, but the Brick Architect’s analysis of the Singapore Skyline was too nerdy to pass up! You can learn about geography, building styles, price per gram, and how to properly determine the scale of LEGO creations.

Brickset: Interview with George Gilliatt, designer of the Creator Tiger

George kindly offered to answer questions about what it's like working in the Creator team, how the alternate models are designed, and of course I just had to ask him about that anatomical feature of the tiger!

HispaBrick Magazine: Issue 37

Issue 37 of HispaBrick Magazine is now available for download, complete with an analysis of brick-built wheels, breaking down programming, and many MOC features.

New Elementary: Old Elementary - The Lego Bionicle 20th Anniversary Festival

Guest contributors Alex Van de Kleut, Mitch H and Matt Goldberg conclude our celebration of the 20th anniversary of LEGO Bionicle with three more parts, examined and utilized in builds.

Rambling Brick: Reducing Gender Bias in LEGO Friends in 2022

With LEGO announcing they intend to remove gender bias from their products, I wondered how the company going to address the Friends product line? How would a play theme that relies on a callout featuring five girls on a purple box respond?

The Brick Blogger: LEGO Winter Village Dioramas & Display Ideas

Setting up and customizing the LEGO Winter Village sets is a favorite holiday pastime of many LEGO fans. If you need some inspiration for your own LEGO Winter Village setup, one of the best places is to look around the Fans of LEGO Winter Village Facebook Group.

Tips&Bricks: Aurora Borealis on the Night Before Christmas by Malin Kylinger

Today we’re breaking down a lovely Christmas-themed build by Malin Kylinger. There is clever part usage throughout the MOC--from the turntable as part of the roof tiling to Batgirl’s ponytail piece being used as a door handle. But perhaps the most impressive and eye-catching parts are the dragon wings used to simulate the Aurora Borealis phenomenon in the sky.

If all of those amazing features weren’t enough to satisfy your LEGO community craving, here is an interactive calendar of everything that BrickNerd has published this last month to make sure you didn’t miss a single article.

Did we miss any of your favorite LEGO articles and content for the month? Leave your thoughts in the comments below.

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