Nerdvember Prizes From LEGO!

I was going to wait until the one week mark to post this, but I'm so excited I can't. Check out the prizes from LEGO! This year's theme is "80's" and to celebrate we're giving away three sets from iconic 80's movies, namely Ghostbusters, The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. First place is going to get a Ghostbusters HQ, Second place is going to get a Snowspeeder and Third place is going to get a Speederbike! Thank you to LEGO for sponsoring Nerdvember! Check out this post for more details and get building!


Nerdvember 2017 Is Here!


It's here, Nerdvember 2017! I wanted to make a video to kick this off but I simply didn't have time, between traveling and a tight production schedule on back to back projects I'm stretched a bit thin, so I'll ask you to use your imagination. We hear a driving 80's beat, not unlike Jan Hammer and see multiple Miami Vice like shots of an exotic car driving through a picturesque coastal scene. Then the car stops and I step out of the car, dressed like Don Johnson. I tip down my mirror shades and say simply "welcome to Nerdvember". Now if that doesn't set the scene for a totally awesome 80's contest I don't know what does. That's right, Nerdvember 2017's theme is "80's" and everything that goes with it. Think of all the movies, TV shows, video games, music and pop culture of the 80's, and think how you could spin our mascot Nerdly to that and you get the idea. 


If you're not in the know, this is Nerdly, BrickNerd's mascot, and he's bitchin'. Your task is to incorporate him into an awesome 80's mashup. Imagine him with a proton pack, singing Beat It, Terminating, whatever! If you need a little inspiration check out the entries from 2016 and 2015. And while the theme is 80's, you can also build whatever you want, we don't care as long as it's nerdy! You can download free instructions for Nerdly here.

Just join the official Flickr group, put on your Walkman, crank up the Duran Duran and start building, you have until midnight November 30th to enter as many times as you like. And just like past years we have an amazing group of sponsors with loads of tubular prizes. There's a Brick Loot box, lighting accessories from BrickStuff, a clock and watch from ClicTime, custom parts from Crazy Bricks, a subscription to BrickJournal, stickers from Cooper Works, custom printed bricks from CustomBRICKS and EclipseGRAFX and to top it all off some awesome sets from LEGO. I can't reveal what they are yet, but the theme is 80's you know (hint hint).

Update: No Starch Press has joined the sponsors and will be sending books to winners!


Must submit to official Flickr group no later than Nov 30th 11:59pm PST
Enter as many times as you like
Please submit no more than two pictures per MOC
Tag your pictures with "Nerdvember"
Must be physically built, no digital models please
No age limit, but if you’re under 18 please ask your parents
No scale limit, build as big or small as you like
No knockoff brands (Kre-o, Mega, etc.) but third party accessories are OK (Brickforge, Brickarms, Brickstuff, etc.)
Stickers are allowed
The theme is 80's, but you don't have to follow it if you don't want to, build whatever you want, just make it nerdy.
Download free instructions for Nerdly at
Winners will be featured on BrickNerd and there will be three prize packages of various levels of awesome, first second and third. No special categories or funny business, just 1 2 3. Prizes will be shipped directly from the sponsors starting in December. Judging will be done by a small, secret committee, their word is final.

Millennial Falcon

What's this? Is it a Corellian freighter from a galaxy far, far away? No, it's avocado toast and a pumpkin spice latte taking a selfie courtesy of the wonderfully bent sense of humor of Melan-E and Ochre Jelly. Speaking of Corellian freighters, did you know our pals at Brothers Brick are giving away one? All you have to do is build your own, so get to it.

Millennial Falcon


It's another Iron Builder, and it's going to be an interesting one. This battle is between Pate-keetongu and Leopard, two seasoned builders and creative powerhouses. But the gauntlet has been laid, for this challenge has an especially vexing part, a Duplo grass piece. Both builders are off to a strong start, but how many MOCs can that part really be used for? Stand by to find out!

Riverside Kingdom
The Root Kingdom

Remember, Remember...

Guy Fawkes has become a symbol of resistance. You may remember this mask from the excellent film V for Vendetta. Or perhaps you know it from it's many appearances in videos from the vigilante hacker group Anonymous. This version by builder Felix Jaensch was build for a contest over at and consists of only 100 pieces. That's some optimized building right there.

Guy Fawkes

Win A Complete Set Of LEGO Batman Movie Collectible Minifigures And Two Free Tickets To See The Film!

We're super excited for the LEGO Batman Movie, and we want to get you excited too. The new collectible Minifigures based on the movie are awesome, so we're going to give away a complete set, all 20 figures! Not only that, but we're going to give away two free tickets to see the movie! Just use the form below to enter, and we'll see you at the movies! Contest ends February 5th at midnight PST. 

Void where prohibited.

Winner will receive by mail one (1) complete set of 20 LEGO Batman Movie Collectible Minifigures and an electronic voucher for movie tickets via Fandango. If Fandango is not available in your area alternate arrangements will be made. This is a world-wide contest, but entries from USPS forbidden destinations are not eligible and will be disqualified, sorry.

LEGO Batman Movie Minifigures have been provided by The LEGO Group for review purposes. Providing them as a prize is solely the responsibility of BrickNerd Enterprises. LEGO Does not endorse this contest.

BrickNerd is not associated with The LEGO Group. Opinions shared on this site are our own and not the opinions of LEGO or The LEGO Group. LEGO® is a trademark of the LEGO Group of companies which does not sponsor, authorize or endorse this site.

The LEGO Batman Movie ©2017 WBEI and DC Comics. All Rights Reserved. LEGO, the LEGO logo and the Minifigure are trademarks and/or copyrights of the LEGO Group. ©2017 The LEGO Group. BATMAN characters and elements © & ™ DC Comics. ©2017 Warner Bros. Ent. All Rights Reserved.

If you are under 18 get your parent's permission.

And The Winners Are...

It's the moment you've all been waiting for, the winners of Nerdvember 2016. I've said it before and I'll say it again, BrickNerd readers are the most talented, imaginative and awesome builders in the world. I heard it over and over from the judges this year,  "so many good ones". It made it a joy to watch, and difficult to judge, but eventually three winners emerged, here they are in reverse order...

3rd Place
"Take me to your Nerdly..." - ted @ndes

Those lovable aliens from Disney Pixar's Toy Story. It's hard to believe this movie was considered "risky" when it was made. Turns out good story telling is good story telling, who knew?

"Take me to your Nerdly..."

2nd Place
Nerdly Genie - Palixa And The Bricks

You've never had a friend like him! It's the lovable Genie from Aladdin, voiced by the late, great Robin Williams in the role he was born to play.

Nerdly Genie

1st Place
Hatbox Ghost Nerdly - rabidnovaracer

It's a Disneyland legend that recently became a reality, the Hatbox Ghost was an illusion that didn't quite work when the ride opened, and was allegedly removed shortly after (there is much debate about this). This is the first time my personal favorite was the judges' fave too.

Hatbox Ghost Nerdly!

Congratulations to our winners, and thanks again to all that entered. I'd also like to thank the sponsors of this event, you're all awesome. See you next Nerdvember!

And before you ask...
My three favorites were Hatbox Ghost, Steamboat Nerdly and Mickey Mouse Nerdly
I didn't vote
I use a ranking system for voting, judges are asked to give their favorite three in order, a score of 3 is assigned to first, 2 to second and 1 to third. 
Judges will remain anonymous ( you know who you are, and you're awesome)

Only One Week Left!

That timer at the top doesn't lie, you only have one week left to get nerdy with it. The creativity and skill of BrickNerd readers never ceases to amaze me, and I find great joy in checking out the official Flickr group every day. Tomorrow I will be at Disneyland to celebrate Thanksgiving with my family, the place where this all started, and you can bet I'll be checking in on my phone to see what you've all been up to. There's still plenty of time left, and no shortage of inspiration from the wonderful world of Disney, get building, enter, and maybe win some totally awesome prizes from BrickNerd and our splendid sponsors. Things like:

  • A complete set of Disney Minifigures from LEGO
  • A lighting kit from Brickstuff
  • Custom printed bricks and accessories by EclipseGRAFX and CustomBRICKS
  • Stickers from Cooperworks
  • A year subscription to BrickJournal magazine
  • Books from No Starch Press
  • Surprise LEGO sets from FBTB
  • Brick Loot boxes
  • And of course a big pile of worthless BrickNerd swag, including the new custom printed Duplo Nerdly and BrickNerd Studios magnets!

So what are you waiting for? Build on and nerd out!

Nerdvember is halfway over!

2016 has been a rough year, but it's almost over. and so far Nerdvember has whooshed by. It's hard to believe it's already half over, but the countdown timer at the top of the page doesn't lie, you're running out of time! There's been a lot of very cool Nerdlys so far, but there's time for more, and if you haven't built one yet now's the time! We have some amazing prizes donated by the most awesome sponsors on the planet. Three winners will be chosen, you could be one of them, get building!

Nerdvember 2016 Is Here!

Yes it's here again, Nerdvember! What's Nerdvember you ask? It's that time of year we want you to reimagine our mascot Nerdly. This year the theme is Disney, and we're totally excited for it. You can find instructions for Nerdly under the Build tab, or just follow this link. If you need a little inspiration check out the MOCs from 2014 and 2015, then get building, you have until the end of the month. Three winners will be chosen, you could be one!

We have some excellent prizes from our awesome sponsors including books from No Starch Press, a subscription to BrickJournal, custom printed bricks from EclipseGRAFX and customBRICKS, stickers from Cooper Works, lighting products from Brickstuff and surprises from our pals at FBTB and Brick Loot. Oh, and some BrickNerd swag will be included as well. 

We're also super excited to share that all three winners will receive a complete set of all 18 Disney Pixar Collectible Minifigures courtesy of LEGO!

You have until 11:59 pm PST on November 30th to enter. Just build, shoot, upload to Flickr, add your photo to the official group and you're in! So what are you waiting for? Build on and nerd out!

Must submit to Flickr group no later than Nov 30th 11:59pm PST
Enter as many times as you like
Please submit no more than two pictures per MOC
Tag your pictures with "Nerdvember"
Must be physically built, no digital models please
No age limit, but if you’re under 18 please ask your parents
No scale limit, build as big or small as you like
No knockoff brands (Kre-o, Mega, etc.) but third party accessories are OK (Brickforge, Brickarms, Brickstuff, etc.)
Stickers are allowed
The theme is Disney, but you don't have to follow it if you don't want to, build whatever you want, just make it nerdy.
Download instructions for Nerdly at or this link
Winners will be featured on BrickNerd and there will be three prize packages of various levels of awesome, first second and third. No special categories or funny business, just 1 2 3. Some prizes will be shipped directly from the sponsors. Judging will be done by a small secret committee, their word is final.

Fallout Shelter Contest

Hey! A game tie-in I'm familiar with! I don't play of course, but my son does, and I recognized this immediately. The fine folks at eclipseGRAFX, Brickarms and Brickstuff are all sponsoring a pretty cool collaborative build for Brickfair VA. They're inviting you to build a module for what should be a pretty epic Fallout shelter when it's assembled. The contest ends 12:00 am EST on August 1st, so you have about a month. Check out the rules and standards here and get building!

Fallout Shleter Collab/Contest

Bricks & Boilers

Attention steampunk and LEGO enthusiasts, it's time to compete. Announcing the Bricks & Boilers Exposition, brought to you by the dapper gentleman and lovers of chuff Ted Andes and Guy Himber. There are three categories to enter:

Strut Your Stuff - "Build a Walker for the Grand Parade" - minifig piloted, no size (or leg) limits.
"Hall of Wonders" - "Make a Display Model for the Royal Museum". Free-build category. The device/invention must fit into a 16x16 stud area, but it can unfold into anything larger (build to any scale)
Amusement Gardens - "Create a Moving Carnival Ride/Attraction" - limited to 32x32 stud base area (overhang permitted above the base); “You Control the Action!”

BrickNerd is a proud sponsor of this event so get building, you have until the end of April!

The “Bricks & Boilers” Exposition – Steampunk Competition 2016

Get Building!

There's two new contests that have been announced. First for you car enthusiasts out there LUGnuts is having it's 100th challenge! They're asking you to take on the task of building a randomly assigned car based on the number you give them between 1-100 and they have some killer prizes. Next up is Space Chefs, where you are being challenged to build either a "Cosmic kitchen" or a "Space Chefs on the go" vehicle. Also with some fabulous prizes.

Oh, and as if that wasn't enough, it's also FebRovery.

We Have Winners!

The judges have weighed in, the votes have been counted and we have clear winners. But before I say anything else I have to say what an incredible group of MOCs from an incredible group of builders. Judging was supremely difficult this year not only from the sheer number of entries, but from the staggering quality, creativity and diversity of all those wonderful Nerdlys. I am blown away and while I wish I could give everyone a prize, there can be only three, so without further ado, the NERDvember 2015 winners...

1st place - Nerdogorth by Paddy Bricksplitter

One of my personal favorites (it should be noted I wasn't a judge) so it makes me happy this is first. A wonderful mashup between a classic Star Wars moment and Nerdly, love it.

The Nerdogorth

2nd place - Nerdly in carbonite by KOS brick

Another personal favorite. When this MOC was posted it gave everyone pause, and upped the ante. A brilliant concept perfectly executed and photographed.

Nerdly in Carbonite

3rd place - Nerdcrawler by Captainsmog

This entry will forever make me imagine that under those dark hoods, Jawas are wearing Nerdly glasses around those glowing yellow eyes.

NERDvember: NERDcrawler

Congratulations to all our winners, you deserve it. And a huge thank you to everyone that entered, you're all awesome. And of course I wish to thank all our sponsors this year, we couldn't do it without you. Until next year, build on and nerd out!

Star Wars Evolved

Our pals over at FBTB have announced another awesome contest. Inspired by all the familiar but new ships we've already seen from The Force Awakens, they're asking you to pick a ship from the Star Wars universe and update, or 'evolve' it. Head over to FBTB for all the details. You have until January 16th to enter, which means you can even wait until after you see EP7 for more inspiration.

By the way, this is the coolest contest poster I think I've ever seen, nice job Don!