Doc Brown's Time Traveling Train

Who can forget the moment Doc Brown and his beloved Clara appeared in this stunning steampunk time traveling train at the end of Back to the Future III? And of course the absolutely mind-blowing surprise of when it lifted off and flew away (uh, spoilers I guess?). It's a movie vehicle classic, and this version by Mister Bricks does it justice. For a detailed breakdown check out the video from our pals at Beyond the Brick.

BTTF Train

Roads? Where We're Going We Don't Need...Roads

This is stunning, at first glance you don't realize it's LEGO. At second glance you see that that's not photoshop, it's fully lit with LEDs and EL wire. At third glance you see it's minfig scale, and that you might just be drooling on your save the clock tower t-shirt. And this isn't just a modified official kit (but some tiles were borrowed) it's a ground up MOC built with some serious skill by builder BMW_Indy. I just want to mount it to a motion control rig and start shooting!

Flying Delorean Time Machine from Back to the Future
Flying Delorean Time Machine from Back to the Future