A Pair Of Docs

Great Scott! Builder Legohaulic has shared another pair of ironic busts. This time around it's the 11th Doctor from Doctor Who and Doc Brown from Back To The Future. Talk about the ultimate timey wimey mashup, a time traveller and a time lord! They're expressions say it all though, this time and space stuff is not for the faint of heart

Great Who?!

Roads? Where We're Going We Don't Need...Roads

This is stunning, at first glance you don't realize it's LEGO. At second glance you see that that's not photoshop, it's fully lit with LEDs and EL wire. At third glance you see it's minfig scale, and that you might just be drooling on your save the clock tower t-shirt. And this isn't just a modified official kit (but some tiles were borrowed) it's a ground up MOC built with some serious skill by builder BMW_Indy. I just want to mount it to a motion control rig and start shooting!

Flying Delorean Time Machine from Back to the Future
Flying Delorean Time Machine from Back to the Future

It Goes Past 11

I feel like I am breaking some sort of unwritten rule by misquoting one movie to describe another unrelated movie for this post's title. But who cares when it fits so well, right? right?

Anywho, what a great build featuring one of the iconic scenes from Back To The Future? Seriously, this build has it all including many of the minor details from the original movie set such as the plutonium storage container easter egg.

Woah...Rock and Roll!