A Pair Of Docs

Great Scott! Builder Legohaulic has shared another pair of ironic busts. This time around it's the 11th Doctor from Doctor Who and Doc Brown from Back To The Future. Talk about the ultimate timey wimey mashup, a time traveller and a time lord! They're expressions say it all though, this time and space stuff is not for the faint of heart

Great Who?!

"I'm The Doctor, And I Save People."

Jared (Umm, Who?)'s Tardis interior is a positively fantastic model, and looking at it gives me the same kind of excitement that I get from a new episode of Doctor Who. Every piece looks accurate and yet fits the tone and color scheme of LEGO very well - from the glowing central console to the round things.

LEGO® Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor's TARDIS Interior (Series 9)
LEGO® Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor's TARDIS Interior (Series 9)

Bigger On The Inside (And Pretty Big Everywhere Else)

I found it pretty serendipitous that I should have Doctor Who in the back of my mind (I'm in pre-production of an animated short) when I scroll down my Flickr feed and see this. Everyone knows the TARDIS is bigger on the inside, but have you seen a MOC as big as this one by Librarian-Bot depicting it? Not only that but a fantastic street scene loaded with references to the show. This has given me so much inspiration! Click through for many more pics, it's worth it.

Doctor Who Diorama
Mad man in the box
After him, Liv!