Why So Serious?

Seeing this excellent set of Batman busts by Build Better Bricks reminds me that it’s been far too long since I’ve seen The Dark Knight. It’s been argued that Heath Ledger portrayed the best Joker ever to explode on the big screen, and not just because he blew everything up. And while Christian Bale makes me giggle every time he does his scary Batman voice, he did a pretty good job with the role. I think it’s time to break out the blu-ray.

Yeah Baby!

Wow, 20 years. Yes, it's been 2 decades since Austin Powers made his screen debut. It's a work of absolute genius, tempered with sophomoric humor (in other words, perfect). Builder Ochre Jelly celebrates the anniversary with two brilliant busts of Austin and Dr. Evil. Fun fact: this was one of my 2 year old son's favorite movies at the time. We had to stand by to skip ahead at more questionable moments, but we all knew this movie word for word after watching it twice a day for months.

Allow myself to introduce... myself
One MILLION dollars!

A Pair Of Archers

Well, I don't know if "archer" properly describes either, but they both use arrows. This is Legolas of the Woodland Realm, and Daryl Dixon, of...somewhere in the south. They are the latest of a collection of ironic duos from builder Legohaulic. Legolas is an elf, son of  Thranduil, King of the Woodland Realm, and one of the Fellowship of the Ring. He is a loyal companion and was instrumental in the downfall of Sauron. Daryl kills zombies.

The Fellowship of the Dead

Dumbledore The Gray?

Harry Potter never laid eyes on The One Ring, and Albus Dumbledore never entrusted a hobbit to do anything. Although a mashup between these two classic worlds could be a very cool thing. Imagine the construction of Hogwarts being interrupted by a warg attack, or the four founders hosting a feast with Elrond. Another fantastic pair of character busts by Legohaulic.

You Shall Not Pass This Class!

A Pair Of Docs

Great Scott! Builder Legohaulic has shared another pair of ironic busts. This time around it's the 11th Doctor from Doctor Who and Doc Brown from Back To The Future. Talk about the ultimate timey wimey mashup, a time traveller and a time lord! They're expressions say it all though, this time and space stuff is not for the faint of heart

Great Who?!