The Tooth Monster

You know, there are only two things that scare me in this world. Monsters and dentists. Ok maybe spiders too but that’s besides the point. Fortunately for you and I, is here to remind us that the two can exist in harmony with this terrifying yet awesome creature. That smile. Those teeth. Now that’s a face only a mother, or a dentist, could love.

Sunny With A Chance Of Sharks

Surfing is already pretty rad, but combined with hot rods you end up with something totally tubular! Andrea Lattanzio has made a gnarly scene that makes me want to go hit the waves with a bunch of bros. Then I remember that I don't speak like a surfer dude and don't have a hotrod. At least I know I won't become shark food, right?

Totally Tubular!

Steampunk Samurai Iron Man

My old pal Kevin Ryhal, aka M<O><O>DSWIM, has come up with a truly unique mash-up!  He's been creating all sorts of cool combos over the years, from Steampunk Gundams, to Darth Skeletor.   But I just looked through his photostream to make sure.  This is the first time he's gone for three genres in one.  "Jarvis-san, bring the boilers to full power!"

Golden Gate

I'm not sure if there's a name for the style with which ZiO Chao built this lovely Golden Gate Bridge, but I love it. It's the closest thing I can imagine to building a painting - like a mosaic, but with more detail, and more notably, true depth. The result is a unique piece of brick art that I imagine would look great in a frame.

Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco, USA

Take A Lok At This Loco!

You may or may not know that I love trains. Big trains, little trains and Lego trains And most of all I love Lego trains in larger scales. This 750mm Narrow Gauge Locomotive from grubaluk described as a Lok 24 of the Jagsttalbahn is just lovely. Built in the old Home Maker scale and full of great detailing, especially around the boiler and the pistons, I would happily give this a home on my railway. I hope that this inspires train builders to create in larger scales!

Lok 24 1

151 PokéMOCs

In light of the immense resurgence of Pokémon this past summer, Carson Hart set himself a goal to build all 151 of the original Pokémon, and he's done quite a good job of it. You might have to squint on some of the smaller models, but a lot of them came out looking really spot-on, like his great Charizard, Lapras, and so on.

"I'm The Doctor, And I Save People."

Jared (Umm, Who?)'s Tardis interior is a positively fantastic model, and looking at it gives me the same kind of excitement that I get from a new episode of Doctor Who. Every piece looks accurate and yet fits the tone and color scheme of LEGO very well - from the glowing central console to the round things.

LEGO® Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor's TARDIS Interior (Series 9)
LEGO® Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor's TARDIS Interior (Series 9)

X Marks The Spot

When I first saw this it reminded me of the cool map montage's from the Indiana Jones films. I love the way its been composed, lovely little details whilst still having a practical purpose. I have always had a passion for maps and who doesn't love Pirates?. A build by Kai NRG/Geneva for the Mapped Out category of the MOCathalon, Its gonna take some beating. 

ADDITIONAL. So there I was on the train, feeling good for blogging, when Tommy sent me a message saying that I hadn't mentioned that the MOC was an expanded version of the printed tile of the pirates map. Of course I had seen that (I had not seen that!) I just chosen not to mention it (again, I had not seen that!) So double wow! Its the Pirates printed map tile blown up. Sometimes the obvious escapes me!

Sailing through MapLand

Rats , I Wish I Had Thought Of That!

Once in a while a MOC comes along that really makes you stop and look closely at the choice of parts used. The use of Rats as clouds in this little vignette by Letranger Absurde is just brilliant. The model is titled The Princess and the Knight - A Play and it really does capture the feel of a small theatre, small being the operative word! When you look closely at the parts used to create the girl in this scale, giving her so much detail and form, its show stopping!. 

The Princess and the Knight - A Play

EXTREME Rooster Tail

On a scale of one to ten, one being the least extreme, and ten being the most extreme, I give this a solid ten.  Bricksky has created a fantastic scene here, with the boat's rooster tail wake blowing over the buoy adding to the dynamism of the build. Also a phenomenal use of the minifigure heads here - looks like they have mixed opinions of the ride.

Extreme Power boating!