A Private Island

We if this isn’t a tranquil scene, I don’t know what it. According to builder Disco86 there are a lot of accurate details if you know anything about yachts. I’ll tell you truthfully, I don’t know anything about yachts. But I don’t need that bit of knowledge to appreciate what a lovely creation this is, in a lovely setting, that’s making me just a little jealous of those little dudes in the dingy.

Island Time
Island Time

A Pirate's Life For Me

Although I never owned any LEGO Pirates sets in my youth, I still have very fond memories of playing with these beloved sets in a friend's attic. This model by LegoFjotten really captures the whimsical feel of these sets and brings a huge smile to my face as I recall the endless hours of adventure between the Pirates and the Imperial Soldiers. And let's be real, we all played as the pirates. 

Pirates Carnival Float

Gone Fishin'

I don't fish, or at least I haven't since I was a child. I also don't do boats, unless it's a Disney cruise ship. I also don't eat much fish (but I do enjoy a good fish & chips). So I'm at a loss to explain why I love this little fishing boat by builder Know Your Pieces. Perhaps it's because of the splendid color scheme and building techniques. Or maybe because it's built out of my favorite toy, I just don't know.

Air Powered

Want to hear something weird? I have something strangely in common with this MOC by vitreolum... I was the clouds in the movie Cabin Boy. Way back in the early 90's my friend Tony Gardner was doing the makeup for the film, and they needed someone with an expressive face, so naturally they thought of me (the human cartoon). I'll refer you to this old episode of Movie Magic for more info. A self imposed challenge on this MOC was a curved, studless sail. I'd say challenge accepted, and conquered.

Air Elemental Boat

Terror From The Depths

For as long as humans have been traveling by sea we've been afraid if it. Something about those mysterious depths, unseen creatures and the inability to breath underwater has kept us just a little on edge. And while there's no documented proof of creatures like this one by W. Navarre, stories have been shared for centuries, making you wonder.

The Secrets of the Abyss

Whale Watching

I love this boat, if I was sure it wouldn't make totally barfy I'd love to be on it (but I would). But even more than the boat I love the presentation of it. With the whale intersecting the edge of the display it adds motion and interest, taking an already brilliant creation and elevating it to the next level. Well done Markus "Madstopper" Ronge.

Lake Union Dreamboat "Vagabond"
Lake Union Dreamboat "Vagabond"

The Dark Bluish Gray Pearl

This boat is sorta blowing my mind. I mean, it's inspired by the Black Pearl from Pirates of the Caribbean, so it's got my attention already. But that hull design and technique has me absolutely flummoxed. I could not tell you how it's done, nor how it stays together. But combine that with loads of cool techniques and the color palette and it's just a stunner from every angle.

Attack of the Dark Bluish Grey Pearl
The Dark Bluish Grey Pearl (back)

Boating In Style

Finely crafted wooden boats are just about the most beautiful things on the water. Sure there are some more sculpted forms made from more exotic materials, but they can't rival the beauty and warmth of good old fashioned wood in the hands of a skilled boat maker. And in the hands of a skilled builder like redfern1950s, LEGO can mimic this look to surprising effect. This classic Riva looks ready for some maritime action.

poor mans riva aquarama
poor mans riva aquarama

Terror From The Deep

Nothing like being attacked by a kraken to ruin an otherwise peaceful day at sea huh? This latest Iron Builder entry from Legopard uses loads of the seed part, a silver technic connector. But they're so well integrated you barely notice. That's not to say they're hidden, that's not the point, just click through and check out the high res picture, you'll see what I mean. And that water work, stunning! It captures the motion and intensity of the scene perfectly.

Monstrum Maris


I don't know how I missed this back when it originally posted in February, but thankfully ER0L posted an updated picture. This is the yacht Sirius, and it's beautiful. Due to a predisposition for motion sickness I generally don't do much boating, but I can certainly admire the aesthetics, and I've always loved wooden boats. And I have to say, those deck chairs are inviting.

Yacht "Sirius"
Yacht "Sirius"

EXTREME Rooster Tail

On a scale of one to ten, one being the least extreme, and ten being the most extreme, I give this a solid ten.  Bricksky has created a fantastic scene here, with the boat's rooster tail wake blowing over the buoy adding to the dynamism of the build. Also a phenomenal use of the minifigure heads here - looks like they have mixed opinions of the ride.

Extreme Power boating!