"Give Me A Hand With This Trestle"

At some point I will write about something big, but for now I write about something big on details! There are so many wonderful features in this vignette from Tim Schwalfenberg  Built as part of an Ironbuilder challenge, (the metallic silver pin thing is the seed part) and simply called Choo Choo! Just feast your eyes on that train, the village, the windmill, the trees, so much in such a small space!. My favourite bit is the trestle bridge, made of Mini-Figure hands.

Choo Choo!

Spooky TV

If you happen to have a cathode ray tube television in your house, especially one with rabbit ears, it's most likely haunted. We are providing this information not to alarm you, but just to make you aware. Even though you should already be aware since analog broadcasts are a thing of the past and your TV sucks. But now there's a ghost in it, so really, get rid of it. Oh, and ditch that VHS VCR too, just sayin'.

This has been a public service message from all HDTV manufacturers

Ghost in the Machine

Unzipping The Storm

The latest Iron Builder continues to rage on, and neither opponent is letting up. Today's MOCs couldn't be more different, and each is amazing in it's own way. Onosendai's zipper could be on anything, use your imagination (keep it clean kids). And anyone from "tornado alley" here in the US knows the awesome power of the tornado, but they've never seen one as cute as this MOC by Kyubi.


Sun Salamander

Yes, in the description of this stunning MOC by Siercon and Coral says Sun Salamander, but I think I'll nickname this dragon "Enpiyu" (say it out loud, you'll get it). It's been a while since I've seen so many clever techniques and part use in a single MOC. From the life jacket neck to the rip cord wings and from the watch band belly to the banana and flex tube horns this thing is awesome.

Sun Salamander

Hey! Listen!

As if there was any doubt I'd blog this. I know how you feel Link, Navi could be a bit of a nudge sometimes, but always well-meaning. This MOC by Legohaulic seems to have been in direct response to a MOC by Iron Builder rival Siercon and Coral. Yeah, it's on like Donkey Kong! (or at least Zelda). Fun fact, my alert sound on my phone is Navi saying "hey!"

Lalalalala Not Listening!

Happy Easter!

It's Easter morning. I noticed the bunny was here and I spotted some LEGO in my basket. Soon the house will smell like spiral cut ham and I'll be gorging on chocolate and playing with bricks, does it get any better? I didn't notice if there were any Peeps in my basket, but I think I like these from Siercon and Coral better anyway. Happy Easter everyone!

Lego Bunny Peeps

Crimson Loftwing

You all know what a big Nintendo and Zelda fan I am, so to discover this awesome MOC in my Flickr feed this morning resulted in much grinniness. Builder Siercon and Coral are presently engaged in a battle royale with Legohaulic and Littlehaulic in another Iron Builder. The seed part is the 1x2 curved slope you see so perfectly used on the wingtips. Now I want to play a little Skyward Sword.

Crimson Loftwing

Totally Tubular!


Simon Surfwax, a young brash surfer type approaches an older man holding an inner tube, ready for some fun in the water. Simon can't help but notice what the man is wearing, a very old fashioned bathing suit. He plants his board in the sand and snickers.


Whoa dude, totally radical knickers you got there

Older Man

These aren't knick...oh, my bathing attire.
I was assured this was the proper dress.


You gotta be a total babe magnet in those threads, eh bro?

The older man is taken aback and confused, he studies himself and looks carefully at his inner tube. For the first time we notice there is something slightly odd about what's visible through the hole in the middle, a strange distortion, almost like shimmering heat off a hot paved road. The old man looks back at Simon. 

Older Man

What does magnetism have to do with this?

Simon has had his fun, he smiles sarcastically and grabs his board. With a dismissive wave he trots off down to the water. The older man stands puzzled for a moment, then sighs.

Older Man

Clearly more calibration is needed.

With that he bends down and begins to crawl through the hole in his TIME PORTAL as he does, space/time bends around him. And with a flash and a pop, he disappears.

Suit Yourself

Portal To The Moon

I have a confession, I haven't played Portal. It's not that I have anything against it, I just don't have an X-Box that's not buried in Flaming Hot Cheetos wrappers in one of my boys' rooms. I watched my son play a bit though, and I have the soundtrack, does that count? (nerd cred -2, damn). Lego Junkie drops the mic with this, his 14th and final MOC for Iron Builder, and it's awesome.

Portal the Moon!
Portal the Moon!
Portal the Moon!

Gremlin Tank

I couldn't decide if this was more awesome, or more deadly looking. Then I realized that those terms didn't have to be mutually exclusive. Then I thought maybe I'd combine the terms, but  realized that both "deadsome" and "awesly" both sound stupid. So I decided to make up a new word for it, and after much thought I hereby declare this amazing MOC by Lego Junkie "threatacular". You're welcome.

Gremlin Tank.