Ninjas On Parade

I don't watch many parades, even the ones at Disneyland, but when I do I'm hoping to see things like this fantastic Ninjago float by builder LegoFjotten. With a little animation and some smoke effects, can you imagine the children's faces when this thing rolled down the parade route?

Fun fact: when I was about 10 years old my brother and I got to ride a float in our little town's annual Flower Festival. Every year, a bunch of locals will fashion crude floats around old junker cars, slather them with glue and fasten millions of flowers to them. Another fun fact: said glue will also fasten children to said float, resulting in ruined pants, emergency response crews and many tears.

Ninjas on Parade!

Rose Parade Float

It just occurred to me as I started to write this that I have no idea how far reaching the The Tournament Of Roses is. I mean, here in California the Rose Parade is as intertwined with New Years Day as hangovers, but I live here so I really have no idea. Builder Parks and Wrecked Creations premiered this absolutely stunning float just a few days after the parade (and just a block away from where it rolls down Colorado Blvd in Pasadena) at BricksLA. I consider myself lucky to have seen it in person, and it was my favorite creation that day.

Rose Parade Float