Chinese Culture

Eastern culture blows my mind sometimes. We like to think we have deep history and culture here in America, and perhaps the indigenous people do, but nothing to compare with the east. People credit the Chinese with the invention of gunpowder and building really long walls, but very often stop right there. How about silk, paper, medicines, the compass? Their contributions to art, music, recreation and literature are often overlooked but we feel it everywhere. Builder Arzlan celebrates these in this magnificent MOC featuring Go, calligraphy, painting and playing Erhu fiddle. I'd also like to point out one other Chinese discovery, one of which I'm particularly fond of, tea. I'm drinking some as I post this.


Ready, Set, GO

I've never played go, but I've seen it played, and this brick-built version by joeseidon not only looks perfect, but it's totally playable. And unlike the cheap pressboard versions I see from time to time, this really makes me want to play! I dig the totally clean construction and the use of the X-pod containers is perfect. I can see this occupying a small gaming table for years to come.

9x9 Go Board