Star Wars Midi Figures

Builder Miro78 is having way too much fun and kicking off this year right. For the past four days he has uploaded one of these brilliant midi scale Star Wars figures. Considering the absolute plethora of figures that have been produced he could conceivably be doing this for a VERY long time. I'm hoping to see these, and Miro of course, in person this afternoon at BricksLA.

Rebel Pilot Luke
Darth Vader Midifigure
Princess Leia - Midifigure Revival
The Mighty Chewbacca

Our Princess

Star Wars Celebration is currently underway in Orlando Florida, and I'm not there. But I am tuning in periodically to check out the live stream on Yesterday there was a very heartwarming and loving tribute to Carrie Fisher, with an introduction by George Lucas and Kathleen Kennedy, followed by a touching video and then John Williams himself conducting the Orlando Symphony Orchestra performing Princess Leia's Theme (I'm not crying, you're crying). Obviously I'm not the only one thinking of my princess, our princess during this celebration. Builder Miro78 put together this wonderful Leia in her Hoth costume. Her jaunty attitude comes through perfectly.

Hoth Leia

Dispatching The Slug

Like the rest of the world, I was shocked and saddened by the loss of Carrie Fisher, but seeing all the outpouring of love in the form of MOCs has made it easier. She was my first movie star crush when I was 9, but my 15 year old brain nearly short circuited when Jedi came out and she showed up in this little number. Builder and international sock model Iain Heath has crafted a fitting tribute to everyone's favorite kickass princess, and least favorite slug crimelord.

You gotta kill a lotta frogs to find your prince!

Three Droids And A Princess

As I type this (in a McDonald's in San Gabriel) I'm counting down the hours to when Bricks LA starts. One of the things I'm looking forward to, besides spending time with all my AFOL friends, is seeing so many awesome MOCs in person. I'm especially looking forward to seeing this amazing group by Miro78. Threepio is the latest addition to this excellent Star Wars collection, and he's all built in gold, with an especially clever use of Wu's hat on his belly. I will point out however he should have a silver lower right leg, just sayin'.

Three droids and a Princess

A New Year, A New Hope

Fun fact, it wasn't until late high school that I first saw Star Wars and then it was on a very loud charter bus on one of those old-school tiny overhead CRT screens. Despite the terrible viewing environment I was drawn into the Star Wars universe and have been a fan since. One of the first scenes that drew me in and got me hooked was the one where Leia despite all the chaos around her is uploading the secret Death Star Plans to R2-D2. To this day I cannot explain why I love this scene so much, but I would like to thank builder Miro Dudas for taking me back down memory lane.

A New Hope

"Who Is She? She's Beautiful..."

I'm not ashamed to admit a boyhood crush on a certain princess from a certain space opera. When Star Wars came out we all wanted to be Luke Skywalker, beat Darth Vader and kiss Princess Leia (back then we didn't know about the whole sister thing, cut me some slack). This figure from lucbyard captures something that most figures of Leia seem to miss, her confident swagger. You have to admit, Leia kicked some ass when she wasn't being totally adorable.

Brick figurine: Leia

Star Wars "Midifigs"

This is a project I've been watching for a while, Miro78's "Midifigs". It's a cool new scale for upsizing your favorite minifigs. I really like the scale of these, they're big enough to get some fun detail in, but small enough to not take up too much space. Just about perfect for displaying on a bookshelf or desktop. I'm sure it's a challenge to get the forms and details needed, but that's also part of the fun. 

Midifig Cast of Characters
Luke (Rebel Pilot suit) midifig
Hoth Leia midifig
Chewbacca Midifigure
Han Solo midifig

MS Girl: Tantive IV Gundam 2

OK, bear with me here, this takes a little explanation. There's this Gundam sub-theme where you imagine cute anime girls wearing your favorite mobile suit as armor. But Kevin Ryhal has taken this to the next level by going Star Wars with it. So this is an anime version of Leia wearing the Tantive IV as armor, get it? And if that's all just too much to wrap your head around, hey look cleavage!

"What If He Doesn't Survive?"

This carbon freezing chamber from KW Vaubon looks awesome. It reminds me of a Kenner playset from the 80's. If only LEGO had produced an Ugnaught this facility could be fully staffed. I would love to see this lit and photographed like the movie. It would take some patience, and a fog machine, but it would be amazing.


Thanks for the tip ElBarto!