Wolfpack Ambush: The Old Tree-In-The-Road Trick

Wolfpack Ambush: The Old Tree-In-The-Road Trick

Plant yourself down, and don’t even think about leafing this page! An in-depth look at Sjoerd Jochems’ flora filled Wolfpack Ambush. And as an added bonus, if you read this article in the next five minutes, you’ll receive detailed instructions on how to build one of those pine trees. Act now!

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The Stone Cutter

Whenever I'm feeling slightly overworked, I like to remind myself that my hands are soft, my skin isn't leathery and my muscles don't ache. In other words, I don't work very hard. Take this guy for instance, his job is to cut stone, to CUT STONE. Yes, he takes large rocks, and makes them smaller, easier to use rocks. Now that's work. Speaking of work, a ton of effort went into this lovely diorama by builder Cozei. From the huge and beautiful tree, to the charming round house, there's lots to love.

The Stone Cutter - Cottage

Tree Town

Is there anything more inviting than a tree house? Admit it, you see one, you just want to climb up and hang out (unless you're afraid of heights, or squirrels or something I suppose). I can say I've never had the opportunity to spend any time in a quality tree house, but I've always wanted to, especially if it was as awesome as this MOC by Tim Schwalfenberg. I'm not sure how much I'd trust that bridge, or that bee hive, but I desperately want to visit this place.


Axe Tree Tutorial

Trees are hard to build. They're fragile, finicky and difficult to make convincing, or at least interesting. Even more rare than a good tree is the instructions on how to build it. Well builder Full Plate is providing just that, a tutorial on how to build this tree which uses a novel methodology of axes and droid arms. Head on over to this tutorial hosted by our pals at Eurobricks. How ironic, a tree built from the very thing designed to chop them down.

Axe Tree Tutorial (1 of 48)

Tree Hut

While I have to wonder about how you might get your groceries or (gasp!) LEGO up there, I think it would be fun to live in a tree house, at least for a while. Especially if it was designed by Legonardo Davidy, like this charming wizard cap roof hut. And while the roof is certainly a standout feature of this MOC, I really like the door and the hand rails at the top of the ladder, those are rancor fingers.

The Abode of Maester Harry the Hallucinating Healer.

ZTZ-41 Xiao

Say for argument you had a neighbor that had some trees that they let get WAY out of control. And suppose you suggested to this neighbor that the trees *might* need some trimming and upkeep, only to be confronted. And perhaps those trees were also responsible for some root damage and your fence was pretty much wrecked because of them. This would be the perfect machine to handle such trees, in a way that would be both efficient and cathartic (with entertainment value for surrounding neighbors). Nice build Tromas.

ZTZ-41 Xiao