Worldbuilding in the Air: A Chat with the Creators of Wandering Skies

Worldbuilding in the Air: A Chat with the Creators of Wandering Skies

Floating islands are nothing new. What’s more, they’ve consistently captured the imagination of some of the biggest names in LEGO MOCing. But the ambition behind Wandering Skies goes far beyond a series of collaborative builds or even an RPG—it is meant to become a TV show!

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I have only the vaguest of memories of watching Aaahh!!! Real Monsters reruns as a kid, but the character designs always stood out to me. I think I even had a few action figures of the monsters. Julius Von Brunk does a great job capturing the creative absurdity of the style in his latest build, Krumm. I can only hope he's planning to show us the rest of the main cast next!


Review - The LEGO Animation Book

Review - The LEGO Animation Book

The LEGO Animation Book (2016, No Starch Press) by David Pagano and David Pickett, is an exhaustive how-to book teaching you everything you need to know (and more) about LEGO stop-motion animation, also known as “brickfilming”. Whether you’re just starting out, or a seasoned vet with multiple films under your belt, this book is a great resource.

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