Type 17 Kai

Dear Mom,

How's dad? Boot camp is going very well. The food is pretty terrible, but I can always talk my friends out of their fruit cup so I'm getting enough to eat. Yesterday started a bit rough, with a ten mile hike, but then we got to drive TANKS! I was a mess at first, but with a little practice I got it down pretty quick. Luckily I was mastering it fast, because just as we were finishing up there was a terrible rumble. Apparently our weapon testing of the 120mm ETC woke up a slumbering monster in the depths of the mountain. We sprang into action and I drove the tank while Wilson and Hacker opened fire. With the help of the other three Type 17's we drove the monster back. Eventually he retreated back to the sea, but I suspect we'll see him again before long. Not to worry though, we're well armed. 

Love you,


PS. can you please send some more of those Pocari Sweat packets? They're yummy

Type 17 Kai Sunday Stroll
Type 17 Kai (1)