Build a Bear Mech: Instructions for a LEGO Teddy Bear Mech

For each issue of BrickJournal Magazine, the BrickNerd team creates instructions for a LEGO mini-model to go with the theme of the cover story. For the current issue focusing on mechs, BrickNerd contributor Simon Liu designed a teddy bear mech.

A Teddy Mech Defender

Mechs come in all shapes and sizes, and tiny and cute ones are some of our favorite ones at BrickNerd! Defenders against nightmares for kids around the world, the teddy bear was the inspiration for this mechanized suit.

Using a series of 1x2 rounded plates, clips and brackets, this posable mech will be ready to stand guard against all the creepy crawlies out there. The rod-arms of the teddy bear allow for quite a few connections and some rotation so they can be equipped with a variety of minifig accessories--our favorite was having the teddy bear mech play a gnarly guitar!

And one last special note: a LEGO bunny or stuffed panda can also be used in place of the teddy bear. Enjoy!

You can download a pdf of the instructions and full part list that BrickJournal published here. You can also purchase a copy of the entire issue here. And until next time, stay nerdy about the bricks!

What other cute things could be made into mechs? Let us know in the comments below!

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