Nerdvember Winners!

Well, it was a Nerdtastic month, and there were many, many amazing entries, but there can be only three winners. Congratulations to Ochre Jelly, customBRICKS and Yatkuu on winning Nerdvember 2014. I'd like to extend special thanks to the judges, this was not an easy task. And a huge thanks to everyone who entered, your creativity never ceases to amaze me. There were 77 Nerdlys entered this year, all I can say is wow! 

And yes, before you ask, customBRICKS is a sponsor of the contest, but that did not mean disqualification (and no, they won't be getting their items in their prize package). 

First place: Nudely - Ochre Jelly

Nudely, aka "Botticelli's Birth of Nerdus"

Second Place: What's Inside - customBRICKS

What's Inside?

Third Place: Spider-Nerdly - Yatkuu


Honorable Mentions

The entries below received many votes as well, and deserve featuring.

NerdVember : Lol
Bad Ass Nerdly!
In the Nerd future there is only war.
Nerdly Burger
Nerdly Cell
Nerdly Tardis Just Spining In Space, As You Do When Your A Tardis In Space.

Breaking News: Iain Heath's True Form Revealed!

Dateline: Seattle Washington

In a move that stunned the AFOL community, builder and pony proponent Iain Heath revealed his true form today. While most community members know Iain as a lanky bespectacled individual with a funny accent, he is in fact a small puddle of goo. Normally a dungeon dweller, Iain has gone to great lengths to disguise his appearance, even taking up residence in a lake side dwelling. "He had me fooled, but I had my suspicions when he tried to murder me that one time" said notable AFOL Guy Himber. Authorities have been notified of this strange occurrence, but as of this writing have taken no action. "It turns out being a small puddle of goo isn't illegal" said officer Harry Snapperorgans of the Seattle police department. "But we're keeping an eye on him just in case". When interviewed Iain could only emit strange squishy noises, but at an earlier date he mentioned an interest in a contest on Flickr. It has been suggested that this is the motivation for his reveal.

Dungeons and Dragons: OCHRE JELLY

Chibi Micro Contest

Our pals at The Brothers Brick are running a really cool contest right now, with some awesome prizes. They challenge you to build a chibi micro vehicle from your favorite movie, TV or LEGO theme. I can think of a slew of vehicles I'd build (hope I can find time). Head over to TBB for more details and break out the bricks!

First prize: Exclusive Fan Expo Ghost Starship with Kannan Jarrus #460 (donated by TBB) + Set of Star Wars Microfighters (donated by TLG)
Second prize: Choice of 4 Star Wars Microfighters (donated by TLG)
Third prize: Two Star Wars Microfighters (donated by TLG)

Nerdvember Is Over

Yes, Nerdvember 2014 has come to a close. To say I'm overwhelmed with the entries is an understatement. I count 77 completely unique Nerdlys, impressive indeed. I can't say which are my favorites, not that it matters since I'm not judging, but I don't want to show favoritism. I will say that the creativity, humor and skills of BrickNerd readers is amazing. The panel of judges will be invited today, and they will have a couple days to deliberate. I'll announce the winners here soon. Stand by!

Dungeons And Mixels

You enter a small corridor, the dank smell of mildew and death burns your nostrils as you transfer the flame of your torch to the one on the wall. As the torch flickers to life more of the hall is revealed. There is a door to the left, and one to the right, what do you do? I'll tell you what you do, you break out your bricks and get building for the Iron Builder D&D Mixels Contest! Now roll a 10x and get building!


Nerdvember Continues

I continue to be amazed and delighted by the creativity and ingenuity of builders from all over the planet. We're just about at the half-way point in the contest and it's starting to heat up. What's Nerdvember? Have you been living under a rock? Download the instructions for Nerdly and go nuts, make him a spaceship, or a super hero, or a pop culture icon, whatever! Upload your picture to the official Flickr group and maybe win some awesome prizes from the awesome sponsors. You have until the end of the month, get building!

Nerdly's Cube

Welcome To Nerdvember!

Welcome to Nerdvember, our new favorite month! Yes, Halloween is over and the holidays are weeks away, it's too early to think about Thanksgiving so it's time to get your nerd on! Get out the bricks, download instructions for Nerdly and start reimagining. What would he be like in classic castle? How about as a pirate? Could he possibly be a time lord? It's all up to you! Read the Official Rules, join the Flickr group and get building!

Three winners will win fabulous prize packages including BrickNerd swag and bitchin' stuff from our awesome sponsors.


Lego Junkie is no stranger to this blog, but he is somewhat of a stranger to neo classic space. But for the Interstellar Outpost Contest on Flickr, he has gone NCS, and the results speak for themselves. The off-center cockpit is actually a contest rule, and should make for some very interesting entries. It's done to perfection in this little fighter.

Interstellar Outpost Contest 2/2


Time is running out to enter the Exo RAWR contest on Flickr, sponsored by LifeLites, FBTB and BrickNerd. You are challenged to build a Exo RAWR (Reinforced Animal Wearable Robo-Suits). These entries by Yatkuu and Pixel Fox are both amazing. I just about spit tea this morning when I saw the Beast of Unburdon. You can enter until 11:59 8/31 GST, get building!

Beast of Unburden