Sweet, Sweet Air Superiority

This cool MOC caught my eye. There's no real description but it's clearly a VTOL support ship. Wonderful angles on this, giving it a utilitarian yet sleek aesthetic. I dig the big flat surfaces broken up by just the right amount of detail. The ground vehicles are pretty cool too. Nice photograph too, the background really works well. Nice work Anto-Nio.


Suspended In The Timelessness Of Inner Space...

...Are the thoughtwaves of my first impressions. These will be our only source of contact, once you have passed beyond the limits of normal MAGNIFICATION. Sorry, disney geek moment. This is a fully functional compound microscope by Carl Merrium. Featuring Power Functions lighting and separate coarse and fine adjustments, amazing. It's also on Cuusoo, so with your support we can all have one of these.


LEGO Microscope MkII
LEGO Microscope MkII - Actual View

Don't Change That Dial!

Yes, when I was a kid, TVs had a dial. And we only got six channels, and in the evening four of them were the same two channels. And you know what the remote control was called? Tommy! That's right, I was the damn remote control. "Tommy, change that to channel six". But Saturday mornings were glorious, just as soon as the test pattern and tone went away it was hours of cartoons, Land of the Lost and Bigfoot and Wildboy, but I digress...

57 Channels and Nothing On

*Flick*...*Fwop Fwop Fwop*...*Shick*

I wasn't going to post this. Not because it's not brilliant or yet another amazing build by Siercon and Coral. But because it's brilliant and yet another amazing build by Siercon and Coral. I've honestly lost count of how many MOCs I've featured by these two in the last month. But then I saw the video, and it's too damn cool not to share.

Space Ninjitsu

Optimus Prime

I have a nerd confession to make, I don't give a rat's LaBeouf about Transformers. I was just a little too old when they hit popularity to care as a kid, and like most of Michael Bay's movies, his movie adaptations did nothing for me (I like to watch films, not be assaulted by them). I do however really like this MOC. Even if it wasn't based on a cool cartoon and toy line, it would be awesome.

Optimus prime

Waiting For Christmas

As we transition into fall, school starts and BrickCon looms, it also means Christmas is right around the corner. Lovely, glorious Christmas, around which the entire kid-year revolves. It would seem LoctiteGirl  is looking forward to it as well, judging by this charming MOC. I love the stars breaking up and becoming snow (although I do have to wonder how those are attached).

Waiting for Christmas ...