/This is a pretty slick machine from Si-MOCs. The gold spheres suspended in the anti-gravity pods are an especially cool detail, as is the little greeblie spot on top. Unusual and cool color scheme too.
There's another round of Iron Builder started, Brickthing VS Onosendai2600 , and there will be blood. Here's just a sample of what we'll be seeing in the next month or so, it's gonna be great.
This is absolutely, positively gorgeous. There are so many amazingly beautiful details on this I don't know where to begin. I mean look at that front end! The grill, the lines, the integrated helmet, it's phenomenal. The overall color scheme and proportions are brilliant as well. I just want to go for a ride in this thing. Vince_Toulouse, you're a master.
This is a nice little bit of photo editing. The composition and aspect ratio is excellent, feels very cinematic. I'd love to see this same shot setup with the background image displayed on a TV or monitor, so that the reflections and lighting would carry through to the MOC. A smaller aperture would increase the depth of field too. Nice work Tobigo.
Legonardo Davidy is back with another awe inspiring castle build. This rickety cottage defies LEGO logic with the tapered sides, asymmetry and sagging roof. It's absolutely brilliant.
This is a particularly badass and imposing looking MOC from Gamma-Raay . The pose and photography is also impressive. I especially like the proportions and weight of the legs. And you gotta love all that gunmetal gray.
I'm so excited for this book. Some of the best times I had in England were just hanging out at Pete Reid's place. We'd drink tea, build and photograph all day, it was great. Now his much anticipated book is almost here. And he's a little teaser...
Fans of BrickNerd (and of Robin Leach) take notice! The excellent Friends Dolphin Cruiser is 20% at Amazon right now.
AFOL extraordinaire Carl Merriam made an appearance on Tested for their annual Octoberkast. In addition to showing off his excellent microscope and Cthulu, he presented the guys with this brick-built version of their logo. Well played sir, well played.
Here's another entry into the MocOlympics. I actually worked on this movie, and have a soft spot for it. I'd love to see this treated with the "SkyCap" look, I think it would be fantastic. Nice work Elliot.
What a great MOC to follow that X-Wing. Welcome to the cockpit of the Millennium Falcon! This was built by for round four of the MocOlympics, Blake vs David.
This may have started as the UCS 7191 X-Wing, but with Teabox's modifications and this stunning display base, it has become even more awesome. It reminds me of the Icons collectible X-Wing (remember that?) but since it's LEGO it gets 1x20d nerd cred.
This is another entry into the Mini Castle Contest over at Classic Castle, and it's lovely. I'm never certain about the intent of mixing old and new grays (when it happens at my house it's because of bad lighting and colorblindness) but it works well here. I especially like the towers and the supports for the bridge. Nice work Toltomeja.
This MOC makes history pop off the page (pun by BiggerJim). I don't know what porschecm2 built this for, he calls it a "thing for a thing", but it's brilliant. It makes my inner patriot heart soar to see my favorite bricks reproducing such an iconic image. And having it in a book, inspired.
Here's a great little brick film to get you in the halloween mood.
This is so perfect! It's not always easy to capture a character's essence at miniland scale, but madoruk has done it. You knew the instant you looked at this who it was didn't you? Mission accomplished. I especially like Lisa, her silhouette is unmistakable.
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