Thank You.
/All gave some, some gave all. To all the men and women of the armed forces, past and present, thank you for your service. Your sacrifice preserves our lifestyle, and for that I'm grateful. And to Si_MOCs, thanks for this tribute.
/Tower Of Orthanc Speed Build
/Members of the STUDS booth at DesignerCon took some time this afternoon to speed build the Tower of Orthanc, an event sponsored by FBTB. They made quick work of this set with a time of 36 minutes and 56 seconds. You can spot OneLUG's amazing Orthanc tower in the background of some shots.
You Could Not Wish For A Finer Blade
/One of the greatest accomplishments of The Hobbit (and Lord of the Rings for that matter) is the production design. Especially the armor and weapons. The elvish weapons are just gorgeous. And this MOC by Cole Edmonson of Thorin's blade captures the elegant lines and distinct design so well.
Is It The Dungeon Map?
/Zelda has been on my mind a lot these days. In fact I brought my 3DS with me to D-Con, and Ocarina of Time is in it. I'm also eyeing one of those themed Wii U's for Christmas. So to be greeted by this awesome MOC by cmaddison this morning made me smile.
Live On Stage...
/This Iron Builder is starting to heat up. This entry by Brickthing is absolutely amazing. Not only from a building standpoint, but this is some top notch MOC photography. Well played sir, well played.
/You remember Mr. Owl? The one who taught us how many licks to the center of Tootsie Pop? Well, he cheated, turns out it's not three. Thankfully this isn't Mr. Owl, so I won't have to avenge my friend's broken tooth. Nice work mihaimariusmihu.
/Being a long-time Nintendo fan these MOCs by dm_meister make me smile. Who can forget the thrill of scoring a mushroom and getting an extra life, slightly increasing your odds of getting to Bowser. Only then to get your butt handed to you by the boss.
Micropolis Hotel
/Micro buildings always catch my eye. There's something so captivating about them, especially when they're done well. Like this hotel from Lupinzar. Per request of the artist, please whistle or hum "The Girl From Ipanema" while viewing this post.
Oh Great, Cthulhu's Out
/I saw this amazing MOC in person at BrickCon, and again recently on Tested. I'm happy it's finally been photographed properly so can share it all with you. Behold Cthulhu, by the great Carlmerriam . This is serious out-of-the-box and next level building, love it.
One Small Step...
/I've always been a great admirer of the US space program. My first memory is sitting on my dad's lap, watching a NASA mission unfold on TV. We always wanted to go watch a shuttle launch together, but sadly he passed away before we ever got the chance. He was also very patriotic, and I see his smile in every US flag I look at. Thanks Legohaulic, I love this MOC and I know my dad would have too.
/I don't know why, but I found myself reminiscing about classic Battlestar Galactica this morning. Yes, it was pretty bad, but it was a heck of a lot better than Buck Rogers (except perhaps for Colonel Deering, rawr) and I always thought Daggit was cool. I never watched the new series, but I like the ships. This Viper by onesendai2600 is one of my favorites.
Oasis Encounter
/Last week while driving in LA I spotted a guy stuck on Lincoln Blvd actually using a hookah in his car, today I see one brick-built, coincidence? Well, hardly, but this is a cool MOC by Disco86 anyway.
/BrickNerd would like to send a big congratulations to LEGO's own Jan Beyer and his wife on the birth of their baby boy. Woot!
Guess Who?
/I love how insanely creative AFOLs can be. Check out this version of the classic game "Guess Who?" Gilcélio has created a version using sig figs of his friends, and it's completely playable. Check out the video!
LEGO On Sale At Amazon
/Like Chupacabra, spotting sale LEGO is rare (but far less scary). Head over to Amazon to score some serious deals. Get some holiday shopping done early for the LEGO fan in your family (let's face it, you). Use links below and help support BrickNerd!