The Sugar Plum Party

The countdown to Christmas continues, featuring the work of Seth Christie and his rendition of the Night Before Christmas. Tonight's photo set brings me right back to my childhood - I can remember trying to stay awake on Christmas Eve hoping to get a glimpse of Santa Claus, but inevitably passing out from sheer exhaustion. I don't think I ever dreamed of dancing sugarplums, though. What is a sugar plum, anyway?

Night Before Christmas, #3
Night Before Christmas, #4

Konix Graffiti Style

I often find myself conflicted on graffiti. One the one hand I can't condone defacing property or vandalism, but I've also seen some incredible work by street artists. Lucky for me I can get behind this piece by Konix 100%, since it's brick-built. Well, some of it is built, I think a good portion of it falls under the category "arranged", but it's all a visual delight.

konix presentation

A Life-Size LEGO Car...That Runs On Air!

Holy Shmoly! This is pretty amazing. The Super Awesome Micro Project is the brainchild of Steve Sammartino and and Raul Oaida. Steve is a marketing guru and Raul is, well, a genius. This crowd-sourced project has over a half million bricks, four orbital engines, 256 pistons and a top speed of about 15MPH. But enough blabber, watch the video!

Thanks for the head's up Brad

'Twas The Brick Before Christmas

Oh, the Holiday season. Gathering with friends and family, sharing some cheer, giving some gifts... and building some MOCS? At least that’s what Seth Christe is up to this Holiday. Seth is in the midst of an excellent retelling of the Night Before Christmas poem via LEGO brick and some clever photo editing. I highly recommend clicking through the entire series and checking his flickr feed each day until the story is complete.

Night Before Christmas, #1
Night Before Christmas, #2

Porkins and B3-3R


This image is of significant importance to me. Not only is it brilliant, and Star Wars related, and funny, but it was also one of the first inspiring images I found as my eyes were opening to the AFOL scene (you mean there are others like me?) This is Jek Porkins and B3-3R by the late, great Mike Crowley, AKA Count Blockula. The community lost Mike at the beginning of this year. He was an amazing artist and person. He is missed.


Joe Dalton

This is Joe Dalton, dastardly counterpart to Lucky Luke by Pistash. After all, what use is a good guy if you don't have a bad guy to fight him? It's like limiting your collection to all rebel Star Wars figures, you quickly realize there's not much to do.. This is an especially impressive build considering it's the first character Pistash has ever done.

Joe Dalton

Dancing Bear, Hidden Dragon

Initially I was drawn to this build because of the excellent tile work and motorized dancing bear. Upon further inspection I discovered that it actually tells a wonderful story, as well. On one side of the MOC you have what appears to be a very silly Lion king being entertained by the peril of others. While on the flip side we join the Dragon Knights in the midst of their plan to assassinate that same king. This is creation is a great example of quality that we have come to expect from zCerberus over the years and look forward to many more.

Dancing Bear, Hidden Dragon1
Dancing Bear, Hidden Dragon