/Lifelites (brickmodder) kicked off a contest a few days back and the response so far has been great. The challenge is to see what you can build with just 11 pieces. I particularly like these entries from Kosmas Santosa. Simplicity at it's finest.
Lucky Luke
/Meet Lucky Luke, a Belgian comic hero said to be "faster than his shadow". Not being up on my Belgian comics I've never heard of this character. But I don't need that knowledge to appreciate what a splendid build this is. Nice work 6kyubi6.
Here We Go!
/I shudder to think how many hours I dedicated to N64. Between Super Mario 64, The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time and Rogue Squadron I chewed up a fair chunk of my life, but I don't regret it. This tribute to the first level of SM64 by Pepa Quin just makes me smile.
Cozy Coupe
/Some follow the crowd. Others change lanes and leave it behind. The Cozy Coupe is the ideal juxtaposition of human-centered design and distinct styling. it's more than an introduction. It's a provocation. OK, I stole all that from the Lexus website, see how silly you sound Lexus? Nice build Legohaulic.
Knight Gundam
/I'm starting to wonder if I need to write the code that just automatically blogs anything that LEGO Dou Moko builds. Look at this thing! Great colors, great proportioning, great possibility and oozing with character. So cool!
Santa Claws
/Christmas cheer meets elf cruelty in this twisted MOC by dWhisper. I have no explanation and your argument is invalid. The beatings will continue until holiday spirit improves.
/This is officially the first post on BrickNerd ever sparked by the name of the MOC. Yes, it's a bitchin' ship from Si-MOCs, with cool color combinations and styling. But you could sell these to outlanders, spice traders and smugglers based on the name alone.
L Fighter
/I have to admit, the first thing I thought when I saw this MOC by Lego Junkie (after the initial "ooh" of course) was with a different color scheme and some modifications it could be Santa's Boot Fighter. I guess I've got Christmas on the brain.
Mordecai And Rigby
/I recognize these characters, I know I've seen them on my son's TV when I was in telling him to clean his room or something, you know, "Parental". I may have even watched for some time, scratching my head and quipping something witty (again, in a very "parental" way, probably not funny). But I can't say I know them. I can however say this is a cool MOC, and I love a good character build.
Ancient Amphitheater
/This very large and beautiful MOC of an ancient amphitheater is from Hardegon. I don't know the details of the build, there's no description, but I can only guess at how long this took to build. The stands are a little barren, apparently whatever show is running now isn't drawing much of a crowd. But I can only imagine the crowd that will surround this MOC if it ever goes on display. Click through for many more pictures.
And You Thought Your Monday Was Going Bad
/We've all had those days. You overslept, forgot the creamer in your coffee, got stuck in traffic, missed a meeting at work because you were late, got strapped to a X frame and dismembered for the enjoyment of a goblin king...OK, maybe not that last part. So your day isn't so bad now huh? At least not as bad as this poor chump in this rather macabre MOC by cmaddison.
'Twas Pretty Funny
/In just over two weeks when I put out some cookies for the big man I can only hope to have this delicious an assortment. I can also hope there's no mice in my cupboards. This MOC from True Dimensions cracked me up. Happy holidays!
/We've all done repetitive, uninspiring jobs. Well even this robot tired of it and sought to escape the monotony. Take a few minutes out of your day to watch this short, but lovely little brick film.
Thanks for the head's up Pete
Space: The Unused Frontier
/Over the past few weeks the creative powerhouses behind LEGO Space: Building The Future have been treating us to unused shots from the book. Let me point that out again, these epic and incredible shots didn't make the cut. It's a testament to the quality of this book.