Hokey Religions And Ancient Weapons Are No Match For A Good Blaster At Your Side

When Star Wars came out when I was a wee tike, there were many protracted arguments at playtime as to who would be Luke and who would be Han. Luke was the hero of course, but Han had a darker side, and he SHOT FIRST. There were of course arguments over who would end up with Leia, but later movies would reveal certain facts that made us all shudder just a bit. Anyway, Han also had the coolest blaster, and this mini version by Bruce Lowell shows us just how cool it was.

Dwarven Affairs

There's announcing a build challenge and then there's announcing a build challenge with style. Ecclesiastes has just released the latest in a series of challenges over at Eurobricks featuring the on-going saga Guilds of Historica and he has done so with a bang! I personally would feel extremely intimidated to submit anything to this contest as my MOC would only hide in the proverbial and literal shadows of this amazing castle. Seriously, it is OK to sit, stare, and marvel at the scale of this beast. I won't tell, just clean up the drool when you are done.

Challenge Three of Book II

"I See You've Constructed A New Lightsaber..."

I really love a minimalist build. When you can take a very small handful of parts and make something that's not only recognizable, but totally squeeable, you've got my attention. Builder Obedient Machine thrilled us last year with his 15 piece Han Solo blaster, now he's back with this little bundle of awesome, Luke Skywalker's Lightsaber from Return of the Jedi. This is just 14 carefully selected pieces, but they are way more than the sum of their parts. 


Scale lighting is a crucial component for a properly displayed and lit large model. Especially an interior and even more so when it's cinematically inspired. This Batcave by Brent Waller is a fantastic example of scale lighting, with super dramatic results. Notice how a sense of depth and scale is accomplished by using numerous small sources of light and how there's a good balance of darkness in the image ( Batman would approve). Sometime what you don't light is just as important as what you do.

Dark Knight Rises Batcave

Caer Caradoc

This one might ruffle a few feathers of the purists out there. No, there's no Kreo or Mega infiltrating this amazing MOC by Derfel Cadarn, but there is a little non-LEGO present. Some of the vines and creepers you see are actually fishing tackle. But it's used to such great effect and only as a subtle decoration, I'll implore the more emphatic out there to grant him a pass, this thing is gorgeous.

Caer Caradoc

Gold Dust

Is there anything that gets the blood pumping quite like a sweet hot rod? OK, maybe Zach Galifiikis in a g-string is your thing, or perhaps Flo from the Progressive commercials? Whatever, I like a cool hot rod, and this MOC from Biczzz is a cool hotrod. I love the broken line to hike the back end up and make the stance more aggressive, and that engine is awesome. And all of it is beautifully photographed, this is the total package.

Hot Rod "Gold Dust"
Hot Rod "Gold Dust"
Hot Rod "Gold Dust"

"Tree? I Am No Tree"

When I first looked at the parts selection for LEGO Star Wars 10236 Ewok Village I thought "you could build a pretty big tree with this". But when builder JK Brickworks saw the selection he thought he could build a pretty big Ent with it, and did just that. This is an alternate model for the set, and it's pretty impressive. The face is a little goofy for my taste, but overall it's pretty awesome. There's also a video, LDD model and instructions on his website, check it out!

UCS Style Ent - 10236 Alternate Model

Detective D. Spy

Surveillance is everywhere these days (which makes shoplifting even more baffling to me) and has apparently made it's way to the insect world. Yes, you mischievous little woodland creatures and swamp dwellers, you are being watched because this camera-toting dragonfly by Brickthing is on the job. I really love all the detail on this fragile MOC, especially the hands for spines and Mandalorian helmets for eyes.

Detective D. Spy
Detective D. Spy


For Rent:

Lovely levitation property in the blue sky district. Live in the lap of luxury in the clouds in this exclusive, fully equipped for an active lifestyle. In addition to the full-featured two story home the property can also lift it's own stores and materials with a permanently mounted crane and maintain global positioning through a twin thruster system. Keep the sky pirates at bay with the automated defense system.

Available in mid December. For more details contact clmntin.E

Mouse Guard

Attendees of BrickCon 2014, including myself, got to see this amazing and beautiful MOC from four-time best in show winner Paul Hetherington. While it's not on the scale of some of his previous winners (he really referred to it as a "small" MOC) it is still pretty grand. But scale means nothing to me generally, what this MOC has is charm and personality. It's perfectly proportioned with excellent color and top notch technique. A well deserved win Paul.

LEGO Mouse Guard
LEGO Mouse Guard

In Space No One Can Hear You Stick

The space madness that is SHIPtember may be over, but beautiful craft continue to be revealed. This epic cruiser by builder VolumeX not only spans 137 by 62 studs, but boasts a truly staggering number of stickers: 438. It would be incredibly easy, especially when dealing with those kind of numbers, to overdo it on so many levels. But that's not the case here, this vessel is stunning front to back and top to bottom.

Ataraxia 11 on stand.
Ataraxia11 detail06
Ataraxia11 - SHIPTEMBER

"Dead Or Alive, You're Coming With Me"

Not only am I so ancient that I saw RoboCop in the theater, I was lucky enough to catch a preview screening (and I hadn't even heard of it, ah the days before internet). Needless to say we were blown away by the Verhoeven classic. This MOC by paddybricksplitter is faithful to Rob Bottin's design, but adds an almost chibi charm to him. Great pose-ability too, makes you just want to grab him like an action figure.

Lego Robocop


This MOC by BMW_Indy is one after my heart. Not so much for the nuclear explosion (but really, who doesn't appreciate a super big bang?) but for all the gear depicted. My late father-in-law was a government camera guy. He was in charge of shooting space launches for the 30th Space Wing and dealt with all this gear. And of course my connection to the motion picture industry and being a camera gear nerd is no secret. The attention to detail and accuracy here is splendid. I love the "behind the scenes" feel of this, and the humor. This just might be the best thing I've seen in weeks.

How to Photograph an Atomic Bomb - Main Overview
Faked Shot
Camera Spread
Overview Rear

"There Was Nothing You Could Have Done Luke Had You Been There..."

I love a MOC picture that makes me look twice. This one by markus19840420 is so carefully reconstructed from the pivotal scene in Star Wars that it almost looks like a still from the movie as a thumbnail. I especially love the sandcrawler, which is built with a great care to look like scene in the movie. And Threepio's silver right leg, nice touch.

Thanks for the head's up Vince


Just last night some colleagues of mine were discussing the shared disappointment in the Star Wars prequels. Then I see this absolutely phenomenal MOC by migalart this morning and I have to question my loathing for them. I have to admit do like some of the vehicles, locations and characters from episodes 1-3, but I probably wouldn't have counted Mustafar among them. But I find myself wanting to watch Obi-Wan and Anakin's epic duel once more. The lava work on this is hands down the best I've ever seen, and the whole thing is on a scale that's hard to believe. Click through for more pics including one for scale.
