Special BrickCon Issue Of BrickJournal!

Excitement is growing here in Seattle as the first day of BrickCon kicks off. And what better way to get going than to reflect on the past and present of the convention with a special edition of BrickJournal? And wouldn't it be great if it was free? Well, the fine folks at Twomorrows and Joe Meno are doing just that. For the next two weeks you can download this special issue and see just what all this madness is about. 

Be careful around page 28, there's some surly characters and disturbing images, just sayin'

New Fangled Communication Device

I may not be so old I remember phones like this, but I do recall with surprising clarity the days of the rotary dial. That dread and grumbling when you go to call a friend with a lots of 9's in their number. But I must say if it was getting to use a beautiful device like this MOC from edguy20, it may not have been such a bad experience.

2014-09-30 10-06-19


Well, SHIPtember is coming to a close, and that's when the big guns come out. Builder and SHIP evangelist S--MOCs has revealed his beast and it's pretty epic. The main thing I love about this vessel is the attention to detail in areas of little detail. Even areas with simple planes are subtly and expertly panel lined and broken up, for scale at any distance.


Watch It, She's Got A Hammer

It's been 30 years since this iconic ad made a big impact (pardon the pun). Back then I had no personal computer allegiance. I used whatever I could get my hands on since I didn't have my own. I later became an Amiga user, then moved on to PC. About three years ago I made the switch to Mac, and haven't looked back. JK Brickworks totally nails the look and feel for the ad, with a bit of a modern update. That Apple logo is amazing.

1984 vs 2014

Y - Thank You

I can see that being on the receiving end of builder Steebles' gratitude is a good place to be, his boss got this phenomenal mini Y-Wing as a thank you gift. It's amazingly detailed for it's scale and the display base is a perfect compliment. Makes you want to do something nice for him huh? Like feature him on your obscure and lame blog, yeah, that's it!

BTL-A4 Y-Wing


I can still remember the first time I played Doom. We were enjoying a little down time at the vfx company CafeFX and someone loaded it up. I remember watching with fascination and thinking what a leap it was from Wolfenstein, the future of gaming was looking bright. Well, some 20 years later and my good buddy Iain Heath has built pretty much the ultimate LEGO tribute to the game and it's colorful levels and characters. Well played sir, well played.

LEGO DOOM: Former human is former, again
LEGO DOOM: Hurt me plenty

Slums Of London

Intrepid builder and history buff Peggyjdb is back with another glimpse into London's past. This time it's the living conditions of the unskilled laborers in some of the poorest areas of London, and the efforts of Octavia Hill to elevate those conditions. This and many more outstanding, historical builds will be on display in Swindon at the Great Western Brick Show on October 4th-5th as part of the "London 1875 - Capital of an Empire" collaborative build. 

No way to live

Musical Artist Quiz

Builder SuckMyBrick is back with another wave of awesome. This time it's a collection of musical artists. They cover just about every musical style and genre, and it's quite a diverse collections. There are 16 in all, how many can you guess? If you need a little help the builder was kind enough to add a video with clues. Click through to see them all!

Artist 6
Artist 11
Artist 9
Artist 2
Artist 15
Artist 7

Dino Riding And Battle Ready

So you say you've got some swords? Oh, and those are some nice sturdy shields. You've even got some smaller weapons for close quarters and some ranged weapons, very diverse. Yes, you seem fairly ready for battle. Why you've even got some banners and colorful uniforms, quite spiffy. Well...is your army riding FRIGGIN DINOSAURS? Yeah, I didn't think so.

Clans of the Highlands
Clans of the Highlands


The timing of series 12 and particularly this Minifig is perfect for Halloween. I spent a happy few minutes manhandling all the packages at Wal-Mart looking for this one (to no avail, I did score a gamer and pizza guy though). This shot by DigiNik13 is superb, with perfect composition, excellent lighting and an interesting but non-intrusive background. Well done!

A Spooky Portrait of Spooky Girl

Zero G: Not An Option

If we're ever going to truly strike out into the cosmos, we're going to have to overcome a simple problem: humans need gravity. And until some super big brains somehow develop artificial gravity, some other super big brains need to build a vessel like this, with a spinning axis to make sure we don't get muscle atrophy and can properly play ping pong. Builder El Barto has some inspiration here, go big brains go!

Colonial Transport 2
Colonial Transport 1

Builder Showcase - Mel Finelli

Builder Showcase - Mel Finelli

I was recently scrolling through all the previously featured builders and thought it was really about time I featured a female. I know the hobby is hugely gender-skewed to the dumber of the sexes (myself included guys) but there are some amazing lady builders out there and I'm past due featuring one. Coincidently about that same time I stumbled across Episode 108 of Beyond The Brick featuring Mel Finelli and I thought her story, her MOCs and her outlook on life were great.

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