A Peek Into The Life Of Dave Kaleta

Builder Dave Kaleta has been doing a series of autobiographical builds. His latest is his LEGO room where it's quite likely this MOC was built (wrap your head around that). At first glance these almost look like photographs because of the stark lighting and attention to detail. Well, I guess they are photographs, but they're photographs of MOCs... you know what I mean.


Review - The LEGO Neighborhood Book

Review - The LEGO Neighborhood Book

When LEGO introduced the Cafe Corner back in 2007 I had a feeling they were on to something big. Of course the set was amazing, but because of the modular construction of not only the levels of the building, but also the standard for adjoining buildings, the set offered promise. Promise of not only future sets, but also the promise of the building community bringing their own neighborhoods to life.

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USS Ticonderoga

As SHIPtember lumbers on some builders are crossing the finish line early. But in this case, it's not about being done quickly, this is about being done awesomely. This SHIP by Rphilo004 is super clean and well designed. For me a hallmark of a fantastic build is an inability to judge scale, and you really need to look close at this vessel to see how big it really is.

USS Ticonderoga
USS Ticonderoga Details

Does That Thing Pick Up ESPN?

Yeah, I could have gone for SyFy, or Comedy Central, but since it's football season and everyone else seems pretty excited by that I thought I'd go all sports and stuff. This MOC by builder legotanks has so many details and a feeling of authenticity that it must be inspired by a real dish. And that attention to detail makes it a very successful build.


3 X Awesome

It took me a few minutes to wrap my head around these (and to be honest, I'm not sure I truly have yet). Builder Izzo Yossi has created a trio of drones that go to the next level. Each is impressive on it's own, but it also has a companion that is also not only a drone on it's own, but can be attached and worn as accessories to increase capability (yeah, mind blowing). Do yourself a favor and click through for more pics, it's worth it.



This is so freakin' adorable. From builder eldeeem comes the iconic Owly from the book series by Andy Runton. The pose, shapes and spirit of this MOC captures Owly perfectly, you just want to pick him up and hug him.


Bounty Hunters, We Don't Need Their Scum

This MOC, inspired by one of my favorite movies of all time, The Empire Strikes Back, make me happy and confused at the same time. Of course anything Star Wars gives me a warm fuzzy, so that explains the happiness. But why Bossk has been seemingly replaced by Han Solo is totally baffling to me. Explain yourself Burglarhobbit.

IDSMO-2014-R1-Bounty Hunters
IDSMO-2014-R1-Bounty Hunters

Update: It turns out part of the contest this was submitted to dictated that you include "yourself" in the MOC. So this is Burglarhobbit, dressed as Han Solo, making a cameo (I'm sure it still confused Vader to no end).

High Visibility Mechanized Badassery

In the future, if we have giant mechs like this one from kwi-chang roaming the battlefield, you can be sure that the ones that are brightly colored were built to kick some serious butt. There is something to be said for camouflage, it keeps you somewhat hidden until you're ready to fight. But then again if you're a twelve stories tall heavily armed bipedal mech, there's really no place to "blend in". 

You Mean We Shouldn't Drink Contaminated Water?

During my time in London I worked in Soho, and from time to time I would pass a small black pump thingy on the sidewalk without giving it a second thought. Then one day I read the plaque on it. It turns out it was the focus of infection in the 1854 Cholera outbreak. Builder peggyjdb recreates this pivotal moment in disease control in his usual informative and brilliant style. Ah to be a Londoner in the 1800's.

The data shows.....

STUDS Cards Are Now Available!

They've been a long time coming, but STUDS cards are now available! I was very excited to be featured in series 1, and honored to help make these a reality with some photography and photo editing. I originally covered these last year on my fourth episode of BrickNerdTV, and they are finally available to order online. Head over and snag some!

The fine humans at Toy Break took some time yesterday to open a few packs and show off all the goodies. Have a watch...

SHIPtember SHMIPtember

I'm not totally certain, but I think Oche Jelly just won SHIPtember, or at least figured out the ultimate workaround. He also combined it with GARCvember and NeoClassicSpaceruary, just in the name of efficiency I'm sure. This WIP shot is also his final, so he won't have to keep us updated as well. Unfortunately he didn't address NERDvember, which is totally going to be a thing.


X200 Cephalon

This is a strange, but curiously attractive ship by builder .Tromas. At first I couldn't figure out what I was looking at, besides a nicely lit and shot MOC. But as I looked more closely the forms and angles became more clear. I can actually see this as an advantage in space combat, as your enemy has a little trouble determining your attitude and direction of travel. It's also got some light effects and a cool rear-access cockpit module. Check out the video.

X200 Cephalon
X200 Cephalon