What Once Was

As a kid of the eighties, we were all fairly convinced this was our inevitable future. Between The Day After, Road Warrior, Terminator and, well, the nightly news, we were sure the bombs were going to drop any day. Thankfully calmer heads prevailed (for now) and we're not forced to roam the wastelands in search of gasoline and fighting off mutants (at least those of us not in Fresno). But it's fun to imagine, and MOCs like this one from Gabe Umland paint a bleak picture.

What Once Was
Closer look
Detail Shot


This is a prime example of compact size, nice part use and innovative design from the prolific Karf Oohlo. When I built the Tremor Track Infiltrator I knew we'd be seeing some cool MOCs using the fists of Tremor, and I was correct. Of course I didn't envision a micro scale ship, but Karf was there to enlighten me. Combine those with the donut round tile, the ice skates and the  lever bases, this is a whole lot of cool building in a small package.

Knucklehead - Starduster class heavy fighter

Bricks In Motion

Are you a fan of brick films? Well, here's some great news, there's a Kickstarter Project from director Phillip Heinrich and producers Doug Vandegrift, Nathan Wells and Zach Macias called Bricks In Motion. With our help these filmmakers can create a full length documentary about the fascinating world of LEGO animation. It's only be a few days and they're already over half way there. Show them some support!

Director Phillip Heinrich

Director Phillip Heinrich


I find it fascinating seeing characters before seeing the movie. Until you see them in action and get to know them in the context of a story, they're strangers. Take Baymax here from Disney's Big Hero 6, in just a few short weeks we can look back on this post and it will feel completely different since he'll then be known to us, a friend. Nice build Cole.

LEGO Baymax (Disney Big Hero 6)

The Legend Of Zorro

Being a California native, and fan of it's proud Mexican heritage, I've always had a soft spot for Zorro. Not just for his badass costume and swordsmanship, but for his championship of the people. I'm not a huge fan of the early films and TV series (too many white guys) but the books are great. I've always loved his willingness to not only defeat the bad guys, but to publicly shame them at the same time. This MOC by TheBrickAvenger captures the mood and chivalry of the legend perfectly, well done.

The Company Of Thorin Oakenshield

When Builder Pate Keetongu posted his first pictures of dwarves just before the premiere of The Hobbit in 2012 we all knew he was committed. I mean, once you have a couple, you might as well make them all right? Well, it's been nearly two years in the making (with plenty of other MOCs in-between) but now the company of the King Under the Mountain can finally make their way back to claim what is theirs. Thirteen dwarves, all individually styled and carefully realized, plus Bilbo and Gandalf, this is nothing less than epic. Check out his blog for a little background on the build and many more pictures.

Company of Thorin Oakenshield - Finished!

Type 17 Kai

Dear Mom,

How's dad? Boot camp is going very well. The food is pretty terrible, but I can always talk my friends out of their fruit cup so I'm getting enough to eat. Yesterday started a bit rough, with a ten mile hike, but then we got to drive TANKS! I was a mess at first, but with a little practice I got it down pretty quick. Luckily I was mastering it fast, because just as we were finishing up there was a terrible rumble. Apparently our weapon testing of the 120mm ETC woke up a slumbering monster in the depths of the mountain. We sprang into action and I drove the tank while Wilson and Hacker opened fire. With the help of the other three Type 17's we drove the monster back. Eventually he retreated back to the sea, but I suspect we'll see him again before long. Not to worry though, we're well armed. 

Love you,


PS. can you please send some more of those Pocari Sweat packets? They're yummy

Type 17 Kai Sunday Stroll
Type 17 Kai (1)

The Northland

This micro scale relief map of The Northland by THE BRICK TIME Team reveals the scope of the territory of the Northland Realm. I've never seen a micro build on this scale before, in fact it's a little hard to call it micro when it could cover a table. I love the detail, diversity and imagination here, there's just so much to look at. I want to program a motion control lipstick camera to fly over this.   

The Northland - Map
Grimmhavn and lighthouse
Westcoast of the Northland

Now This Is Podracing

There have been a great many steamy Star Wars MOCs in recent weeks, thanks to our pals at FBTB and their MOC Madness Steam Wars contest. I know I haven't featured many here, I'm not sure why really. But this one from builder Legopard just had to be featured. I really dig the giant plumes of steam bellowing out of the engines of this Podracer, and if course Watto's junk shop reimagined as a victorian "junkvilla", but I'm totally smitten with that mechanical dewback.


Just A Little Pricey For A Unique "Fixer-Upper" Opportunity

Ok, now that you've glanced at the picture and you're reading this pause a moment and look again, it's smaller than you think. Take a look at the figures out front, those are microfigs. This brilliant interpretation by Orion Pax of the classic firehouse from Ghostbusters is only 16 STUDS WIDE! perfect size to fit on any bookshelf. Click through for more pics.