Arrgg! Raving Rabbids

Me and Rayman go way back. I have fond memories playing on my customized Gameboy Advance (I hacked a front light into it). When Rayman 4 came out he had a new nemesis, Rabbids, who turned out to be so popular they ended up being a franchise on their own. Here we see them in one of their numerous natural habitats, a pirate ship, brilliantly recreated by builder

Raving Rabbids pirate
Raving Rabbids

Undercover Boss: Starkiller Base

If you haven't seen it, and you've a fan of Star Wars (or corporate inspired pseudo dramas) you have to check out Saturday Night Live's brilliant parody of Under Cover Boss: Starkiller Base. Adam Driver reprises his role of Kylo Ren, and goes under cover while he tries to get a feeling for how things are going in the company. But if that's not funny and charming enough, how about a recreation in Minifigures by Powerpig In his typically pitch perfect style? This is just screaming to be animated.

'Matt' - Radar Technician
Zack - Lieutenant Colonel
Tim - Stormtrooper 501st Legion
You guys like working here?

Rats , I Wish I Had Thought Of That!

Once in a while a MOC comes along that really makes you stop and look closely at the choice of parts used. The use of Rats as clouds in this little vignette by Letranger Absurde is just brilliant. The model is titled The Princess and the Knight - A Play and it really does capture the feel of a small theatre, small being the operative word! When you look closely at the parts used to create the girl in this scale, giving her so much detail and form, its show stopping!. 

The Princess and the Knight - A Play

Testarossa 512 RT

Different things are done differently around the world, and different nations all have that thing they're known to be the best at. All the best electronics come from Japan, the best food comes from France, nobody pours a pint like the Brits and here in America it's bacon bowls, snuggies and guns. And if you want to talk cars, you better talk about Italy, because nobody does it sexier. Take for instance the Testarossa, like this beauty by Firas Abu-Jaber, it's practically pornographic.

Ferrari Testarossa 512 RT
Ferrari Testarossa 512 TR
Ferrari Testarossa 512 RT

Dr. Teeth and The Electric Mayhem

"It's time to play the music, It's time to light the lights, It's time to meet the Muppets on the Muppet Show tonight!"  Every successful TV variety show needs a great band, and Grubaluk has masterfully recreated this one from the Muppet Show.  Dr. Teeth, Zoot, Floyd Pepper, Janice, and of course, Animal (pronounced An-i-mal!) 

Dr Teeth and The Electric Mayhem


I've had my eye on this series of builds for several weeks now, but Cole Blaq has finally posted a group shot of his 2222 team.  The context for these is "the close cyberfunk'd future."  He's got the Aliens 2 inspired MPV, the drop ship, the mech, plus the infantry.  All very effective at near-future crowd control and intimidation.  I don't know, Cole, better not give them too many good ideas.  Check out the whole set here



Volvo EW205D

Builder davekuhh is back with another gigantic and insanely detailed piece of heavy machinery. This time it's a Volvo excavator, and it's a beauty. At first glance it's really hard to judge the scale of this thing, but after you peruse the pics (and there's plenty more if you click through) you can start to get an idea of it. It's too bad the ones in real life don't stay this clean, it's actually a really slick design.

Volvo EW205D
Volvo EW205D
Volvo EW205D
Volvo EW205D

Rock Paper Scissors

It's one of the best ways to settle a dispute, requires no tools or additional game pieces, is easy to learn and impossible to master. It's rock, paper, scissors, or roshambo. For the truly nerdy among us though, things can be taken to the next level by adding Spock and lizard. And even more nerd cred goes to Takamichi Irie, for building it in LEGO (with the new half round tile even, spiffy).

The Game of Scissors-Paper-Rock

UPDATE: Things got very nerdy, well played sir, well played.

Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock

Mobile Mechanized Tesla Cannon

The discriminating gentleman knows quality when he sees it. Like this finely crafted electromechanical wonder from the fine folks at Kaisers Werkstatten (and Captainsmog). This is the Mobile Mechanized Tesla Cannon, or MMTC. It's the perfect apparatus for a nice stroll about the neighborhood or perhaps showering  a hoard of your enemies with high intensity electrical energy. 

MMTC: main view
MMTC: cockpit detail


Not to sound like an old man (like I can help it, I'm an old man) but you kids don't know how good you have it. When I was growing up we had six channels, six! And part of the day at least two had the same thing on. So getting to see something new or cool was rare. Like that time we got to see Ultraman one Saturday, our tiny little minds were blown. This version of the hero by nobu_tary has an awesome, updated look. One thing that sorta turned me off when I was a kid was his big bug eyes and mohawk fin. I think if he had been this cool I might have soiled myself.

Ultraman Suit
Ultraman Suit

Moving Earth

I nearly scrolled right past this mind-boggling MOC by davekuhh. It's not that I have anything against construction equipment or Catepillar, there's just so many of them. But then I noticed an unusual amount of detail, and I was curious what the "sand" was that it was moving. Turns out this thing is absolutely colossal, and that "sand" is a mix of 1x1 and 2x2 tiles! You'll have to click through to truly appreciate this beast, it's over three feet long and really needs to be seen at high resolution.

Caterpillar D11t scale 1:11
Caterpillar D11t scale 1:11
Caterpillar D11t scale 1:11

Witch-king Of Angmar

So you're a king of men, just ruling and being all kingly and stuff. And this dude shows up with a really nice, shiny ring for you. Of course you take it right? Well, if it turns out it's a ring of power, and the dude that gave it to you was the dark lord of Mordor (and he has his own ring that sorta controls yours), and now you're destined to be a ringwraith. but hey, at least you're the leader right? And then a brick artist named nameless_member builds a nifty MOC of your helm, so you have that going for you.
