If He Only Had a Heart...

It's tough being a genius billionaire playboy philanthropist superhero sometimes, and people don't necessarily understand your point of view.  But Pepper Potts certainly did.  In the first couple of Ironman movies, at least.  That's why she came up with this novel gift idea for Tony;  his first-gen arc reactor, on display for all to see.  Didier Burtin has faithfully recreated the advanced piece of technology and heartwarming memento in LEGO form.  Nice! 

Proof that Tony Stark has a heart

First Steps

There's so many moments in our lives that last just a flash. They can be tragic, transformative or just heart warming, but it's just a fleeting moment and it's gone. Those first clumsy and adorable steps of one's child are precisely one of those moments. Not only is this a brilliantly realized and highly detailed interior, it's a moment frozen in time of builder davekaleta's life.

One Small Step

Wanna Play Some Leisure Suit Larry?

Yes kids, this is how we did the computer thing back in the 90's. Long gone were those lame old 5.75" floppies, we were using the much sleeker 3.5". And we were dealing with MEGABYTES of data. Sierra Games ruled the roost and there was this new thing called the internet (I don't think much came of it). For those that remember back then this MOC by powerpig should be a whole lotta nostalgia (and really slow boot times).

My Old Desktop: Byte II Edition

Hubba Hubba Hubba, Money Money Money, Who Do You Trust?

When Batman came out in 1989 it was a full week before I got to see it (crunch time on the Ghostbusters attraction at Universal) and by that time I heard all my friends tear it to shreds. I went in with low expectations...and loved it, still do. There are some eye roll moments, but this was the first super hero movie that wasn't just downright silly or bad, and it still holds up. This pivotal scene where Joker tries to poison the residents of Gotham with festive parade floats  (spoilers!) has been gloriously recreated in bricks by builder Cpt. Brick, and I totally love it.

Gotham City's 200th Anniversary Parade

The White City

Lord of the Rings fans should recognize this, it's the White City, Minas Tirith in the realm of Gondor. This build by Swan Dutchman is technically a micro build, but when it's of a subject on this scale, even in micro it's a huge undertaking. According to Koen it took about 6 months and is composed of over 11,500 parts! Just look at all the detail, it's amazing.

Minas Tirith
Minas Tirith

Dolly Coffee

When I first looked at this wonderful MOC by LEGO 7 I thought it was an official set, and that got me wondering, what made me think that? Is it the building style? The photography? I realize that even years after looking at LEGO creations every day I still don't totally understand the intangible, specific nuances that make an official set look like an official set. What do you think?


Red Skull's Ratrod

I have no idea what the genesis of this is. From a comic, from builder 2nd Life Bricks' imagination? I don't know, or care really, because it's awesome. And I could totally see Red Skull barreling down the highway in this beast, I like to imagine with classical music playing on the stereo (very loudly to be heard over that massive engine). Hail Hydra!


A Fate Worse Than Getting Blown Out Of An Airlock

Builder dvdliu has an interesting thought experiment. What if xenomorphs (the aliens in the Alien movies) developed developed a civilized and "normal" lifestyle? Well, here's a peek at what that might look like, and it's sort of dreary. Yes, I wouldn't wish a desk job, especially wearing a tie, on anyone...or anything. 

Alien in Office
Alien in Office

Bear And The Maiden Fair

I love Game of Thrones. I was a big fan of the books, and I'm a big fan of the series. I'm also a big fan of this outstanding recreation of Harrenhal and the pit where Brienne of Tarth fights the bear (I won't tell you how it turns out, we're not about spoilers here). This jaw-dropping MOC consists of over 20,000 bricks and it shows, it's positively loaded with detail and rich texture throughout. There's tons of pictures if you click through, and believe me, it's worth it.

(more pics in album) GoT - Bear and the Maiden Fair - by Barthezz Brick 1
Game of Thrones - Bear and the Maiden Fair - by Barthezz Brick 12
Game of Thrones - Bear and the Maiden Fair - by Barthezz Brick 25

Elegant Parlor

This lovely interior by builder Heksu looks ready to accept guests for a party, all we need is some hors d'oeuvres and a pianist and we're all set for some juicy gossip on the Rockefellers. The attention to detail is subtle here, and that's what makes it work so well. The chair rail, the paneled door, the crown molding, the chandelier, it's all understated, but adds up to a very elegant room. And of course the piano is just perfect. I want to spend some time here, it's very inviting.  

Manor Hall

Steampunk Steamboat

This seems so obvious I'm going to have to file it under "D" for duh, and wonder intensely why I've never seen it before, a steampunk steamship! And if the date is correct on the photo it's two years old, meaning somehow I missed it, double duh. I don't know what this motley crew is up to, some of them seem slightly on the unsavory side, but they're getting to wherever they're going in style thanks to builder Lub3e.

Steampunk steamboat