Wildland Fire Engine

Living in California comes with three major caveats: It’s expensive, it shakes occasionally and it’s pretty flammable. For the first two it’s a matter of wanting it enough and being prepared, for the third it’s having some of the bravest, skilled and determined firefighters in the world. It also helps to have the proper equipment, like this HME type 3 4x4 wildland fire engine by builder sponki25.

FDNY Engine 54

Builder sponki25 is back with another excellent emergency vehicle. This time it's a 2014 Seagrave Attacker HD 2000/500 High Pressure Pumper, and it's gorgeous. The care and attention to detail is stunning, especially for the scale. It's hard to believe at first glance, but this is only six studs wide, six studs! Think about that, visualize how big that is with your hands, then look at the picture again, absolutely brilliant. A superb build heartwarmingly dedicated to the fallen of 9/11.

FDNY Engine 54
FDNY Engine 54
FDNY Engine 54

The Afterburner

This month's LUGnuts challenge has certainly been eventful. It's not hard to imagine why since it's the 100th (!) and they're doing it up right. Builder Moritz drew "fire engine" and as you can see, he ran with it. Inspired by FDNY's iconic lime green engines, this beast looks as capable as starting as many fires as it puts out, but it would certainly be awesome to see in action.

The Afterburner
The Afterburner
The Afterburner

Fire Engine

Back in the 60's and 70's there was a thing called "show rods". I'm sure they still exist today, but back then they were new, they were radical and they dropped jaws. They drew crowds, they inspired model kits and they made people happy wherever they went. I remember building the model Chuck Miller's Fire Truck, here seen brilliantly recreated by Norton74, when I was a kid. I also remember musing about those short little ladders on the side, they wouldn't reach a first floor window. I was a weird kid.

Fire Truck | '67 Chuck Miller’s Ford C-cab
Fire Truck | '67 Chuck Miller’s Ford C-cab