He Who Draws The Sword From The Stone, He Shall Be King

I'm not sure if I've ever shared what an Excalibur fan I am. I've been enthralled with John Boorman's classic medieval tale since it came out in 1981. And while this brilliant sword in the stone by builder Corvus Auriac MOCs may not be the one from the movie, it's still pretty awesome. And now I'm just gonna have to put that movie on.

Excalibur 2

Battle Ready

Humans have engineered quite a staggering number of ways of inflicting harm on other humans. And of course, they've also come up with an almost equal number of ways to prevent such harm. Here's both in one excellent MOC by One More Brick. One long jabby thing to make holes in someone, and some really uncomfortable accessories to prevent such holes.


Battle Ready