Static Displays Are So...Static

The LEGO Ideas Tron Light Cycle set is pretty nifty (even if the movie was a let down). But once you've built it the action is sorta over right? I mean they just sit there stuck to their base. Not nearly as exciting as the movie right? Well consummate tinkerer and all around mechanical wizard JK Brickworks wasn't satisfied with that, so he designed a dynamic display for his cycles, and he's shared how on his website.

Light Cycle Action Stand

I'm Going To Have To Put You On The Game Grid...

This is a fairly unconventional build, most of the parts aren't attached to each other, so it's more of an "arrangement". And those flexible Technic connectors are under considerable strain, therefor "illegal". But I don't care about any of that, it's awesome! So simple, yet so effective. It was a challenge to photograph, but Grantmaster's diligence paid off, it's a spectacular little vignette.

Lite Cycles