The Sun Dragon

I wish dragons were real. Wait a minute, what am I saying? Even if they were real humans would have wiped them out by now (this is why we can’t have nice things!) I’ll have to be content to see them in movies, games and especially in bricks, like this marvelous example by builder dviddy. This is the sun dragon, who is very old, very wise, and smarter than all you dumb humans.


Confession time, I’ve never seen Sleeping Beauty. Yes, as big a Disney nerd as I am, I’ve never seen it, at least in it’s entirety. I know the whole story, mostly I think, but I’ve never watched it. Despite that I have a genuine appreciation for this lovely interpretation of it’s title character Aurora (aka Briar Rose) by builder retinence. By the way, why doesn’t Aurora have a last name?

Monsters Inc. We Scare, Because We Care.

Who says monsters have to be scary. Have you ever seen an angler fish? Those are scary, and they’re just fish. I prefer my monsters to be blue collar regular joes just doing their part. Meet James P. "Sulley" Sullivan and Mike Wazowski, the top scare team at Monsters Inc by builder Palixa And The Bricks. Oh, and that short one is Boo, she’s not exactly supposed to be here.

Midnight Snack

Even the most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy gets a little peckish in the middle of the night. Luckily he keeps his Han Solo in carbonite fridge stocked with ice cold bantha milk according to builder storm TK431. Which makes me wonder, do you suppose you could make eggnog with bantha milk? I know it’s not traditional, and sorta clashes with the red and green motif of Christmas, but could be yummy!

Classroom Bookends

Books have an inherit problem of being narrow, heavy and unstable. Unless it’s something like a dictionary it has a tendency to fall over. But humans can be clever, and we’ve come up with something called bookends, as demonstrated by builder SEBASTIAN-Z here. The funny thing is, books are found in classrooms, so you could easily find these classroom bookends in a classroom holding books. It’s too bad there’s not a miniature version of these bookends in the classroom depicted in the bookends, then there would be classroom bookends holding books in the classroom bookends holding books in the classroom…I digress.

Rock The Casbah

I went to high school in the 80’s. So things like the rise of MTV, Micheal Jackson, Madonna and Duran Duran are irretrievably interwoven with those most formative years, and I consider myself lucky. I was never much into pop music, but bands like Madness, Kraftwerk, Beastie Boys and Devo were on constant rotation in my Walkman. Another band was The Clash, brilliantly created here with their breakout hit Rock The Casbah by builder redfern1950s2. Their counterculture and social commentary lyrics resonated with my generation, and I still listen to them today.

Gingerbread Village

Just yesterday the smell of gingerbread was strong in my house as we prepared three dozen gingerbread men for our son’s concert last night. It’s an aroma and taste that is absolutely intertwined with the holidays and one I look forward to every year. This inviting and delectable village by builder Deborah Higdon looks as delicious as it does seasonal, and evokes memories of scents, songs and the holiday spirit.

Little Kylo Cracks Me Up

We’ve been seeing Young Kylo comics since The Force Awakens premiered, and the ones by famed Disney illustrator Brian Kesinger are by far my favorite. There’s a very intentional Bill Watterson Calvin & Hobbes vibe to them, and they’re adorable. Builder NS Brick Designs is clearly also a fan, and was inspired by the comic below to build this snow man in carbonite ornament, brilliant.


Baby, It's Cold Outside!

It’s only the beginning of December, but for those of us in the Midwest and Northeast, it’s felt like winter for a month now. My old pal Dave Kaleta has captured that moment of inertia, where you know you need to go and do something outside, but you really feel like staying inside, warm and cozy. I don’t know much about what it would be like if the weather were the same 75 degrees and sunny all the time, (Tommy) but I can certainly relate to this! Okay, Dave, time to get off your butt and go for a run!

Don't Mess With Eleven

In season one of Stranger Things you are continually guessing at the nature of El’s gifts, and the power of them. You might have been wondering why the bad guys were so afraid of her, then this scene happened and you were pretty much as shocked and stunned as the kids she was escaping with, and I’m guessing totally hooked for the rest of the season. An iconic moment brilliantly recreated by Norton74.


I’ve never played Magic the Gathering, but it was real popular at my house for a couple weeks a few years ago. I can’t say I recognize this character either, but that doesn’t diminish my appreciation for him (her? it?). Builder Pate-keetongu has crafted a strange but wonderful character here, with the skill and creativity we’ve come to expect.


Owls were fascinating to me before I became a Potter fan, so you can imagine how much they are now. I would love to have a pet owl, especially one that could find my friends and deliver mail, how cool would that be? But I’ll have to be content to dream, and admire them in photos, an occasional terrifying flyover in the dark (it’s pretty unsettling), and this excellent brick version by builder Simon NH.

Bobby The Dog

It’s not very often a LEGO creation will make me laugh out loud (or make any audible noise for that matter) so when one does I know I’ll be blogging it. I could tell when I saw this cute dog MOC by tkel86 that it was mechanical, there were some clues: the lever on the side of course, but also the pins on the shoulders and feet, and possibly the jaw. But when I played the video I was delighted at the full effect. Check out the video below, it’s so worth it.

The Ninjago Burbs

Can you believe I still haven’t seen the Ninjago Movie yet? It’s not that I’m actively avoiding it, it’s just that almost universally Ninjago does nothing for me, so I haven’t sought it out. I will say that the Ninjago City set that came out last year caught my eye, even if I never purchased it, and this imaginative and impressive extension of that set by builder rsmbricks captures the essence and aesthetic of that set perfectly.

Farewell Steve

Spongebob Squarepants’ arrival on Nickelodeon could not have been better timed at our house. Our oldest boy was three years old, the perfect age to be entertained (and warped for life) by the inhabitants of Bikini Bottom. And more to the point it was a show we could watch with him because of it’s incredibly good writing. We had merchandise, video games, LEGO sets, clothing and everything. My son even won class president with a sign that totally ripped off the title for Spongebob. So news of the passing of Spongebob’s creator yesterday made me very sad, a sentiment shared the world over. Builder Ochre Jelly summed up his feelings with this touching tribute to Steve Hillenburg. Rest in peace Steve, you made the world a better place.