
This cozy little cottage by builder Peeters Kevin looks like it was lifted right out of a fairytale book. I like to imagine myself coming into a clearing from the woods after a long walk to pick up some bread and cheese and seeing this welcome site. Smoke wafting up from the chimney, the smell of grass, flowers and maybe a delicious stew cooking. It’s just so inviting you want to go inside huh?


I can totally relate to RexZilla by Si-MOCs here. There are days you really wish you could just stomp through a few buildings right? Well, I’d make sure they were abandoned first, I don’t want anyone hurt. And of course you need to make sure the owner would be cool with it, like they have good insurance or it was planned for demolition anyway. And of course you need to make sure there’s no noise or other prohibitive ordinances, just to be on the up and up. Actually, maybe I’m not cut out to be a large mechanical monster…

Approximately 3720 to 1

The moment I saw this picture by builder did b I was instantly transported to a galaxy far, far away. This is one of those scenes in Empire Strikes Back that I have to watch every time. You know what I mean, you may seen a movies hundreds of times, but there’s those few scenes that you just have to watch no matter what you’re doing. Like the Ferrari out the window in Ferris Bueller (spoilers) or the kitchen scene in Gremlins, it’s just what you do. And now, I think it’s time to watch Empire on this rainy Sunday morning.


I have many a fond memories of Gargoyles both in its original run in the mid-nineties and then catching reruns on the Disney Channel in college. The characters were fun, the voice acting was enjoyable and includes many Star Trek actors (TNG and Voyager), and had a great urban fantasy / Sci-Fi combo going. The third season did lose its way a bit, (that is covered in-depth elsewhere), but overall a very fun show. Daniel Jackson re-watched the series a few years back and built Goliath as he awakes in 2017 and is just now sharing it with us.  He’s captured the charter well, Goliath is instantly recognizable, and the 1x1 stone flecks are a nice touch. He also built Goliath’s once love interest and often foil Demona. The choice of skyscraper backdrop for these pictures really sells the picture. They are just cartoony enough and match the series aesthetic nicely.

RC McLaren Senna

I remember having an RC car back in the day. An awesome cherry red Ferrari Enzo with silver rims and even headlights that you could turn on. This bad boy would zoom around the house at ungodly speeds, until it would eventually crash into a wall every time. Nonetheless, I’m pretty sure my 8 year old self would not mind having this McLaren Senna by morimorilego instead. A new ride built out of my favorite toy! But I can’t imagine the damage of crashing this RC car into a wall. Absolutely brutal.

Garden Dragon

Ah, we found it! The beautiful garden dragon. These incredibly rare and mostly nocturnal creatures are not indigenous to the area, but have thrived in secrecy since their introduction by a mysterious cult in the late 1960’s. While they’re not aggressive they do have sharp teeth and a hallucinogenic venom which gave them the nickname “spook dragons” from the vivid and scary visions associated with their bite. I’m not going to make eye contact, but just back away slowly…

beautiful build timofey_tkachev

Old Faithful Soyuz

In a time where rockets are being developed at an astonishing pace and the private space industry is booming, it is important to remember the faithful methods of transportation that have served us time and time again in the past. The Soyuz rocket program is one of these and Jussi Koskinen has created a beautiful replica that even includes a mini Soyuz capsule. This behemoth of a rocket is worthy of being displayed next to my Saturn V rocket as a reminder of the ingenuity of humanity.

Coastal Base And The Swordfish

Sky-Fi master Jon Hall is back with not only a brilliant new aircraft, but the wonderful home base of The Swordfish. The aircraft is a whimsical combination of pontoons, open cockpit, inverted gull wings, duel booms, bomber nose and pusher, and it just works. The base looks like a place I’d like to hang out and have a fruity tropical drink between sorties.

TIE Interrogator

Behold the TIE Interrogator, a sleek TIE fighter by NS Brick Designs made to strike fear in the eyes of rebels while providing ears on their transmissions. As majestic as an eagle and as silent as a wasp, this recon fighter is fit for a spy or anyone wishing to see what others don’t while remaining undetected. I could personally see this used by the Inquisitorius from Star Wars Rebels or even Vader himself. Although unlikely, that sure would be cool.

Arm Made of LEGO!

David Aguilar, born without a right forearm due to a genetic condition, has built one for himself out of LEGO bricks. In fact, it’s mostly from set #9396. He’s an engineering student in Spain and has been creating his own LEGO arms since age 9. The latest version, inspired by Iron Man, has a bendable elbow and gripping hand. Check out the video. His goal after he graduates is to build affordable prosthetics for people in need. Excellent!

How about a repulsor on the next one, David?


Nothing screams Star Wars more than an epic space battle with some masterfully composed music by John Williams. Although The Last Jedi was not a perfect movie, it did provide some of this classic Star Wars goodness. This bomber by Mirko Soppelsa is an amazing rendition of one of the newest vehicles to take flight and its details are jaw dropping (or should I say bomb dropping?). Be sure to check out more photos while I geek out and hum Star Wars music.

Dark Lord

I love everything about this latest figure by builder paddybricksplitter. The construction, the colors, the pose, the lighting, the photography, it’s all just amazing. While I wouldn’t want to run into this guy while in the depths of a dungeon while hunting for treasure, I’m certainly happy to admire this shot of him. Now, roll for initiative…

Various Variants OHP-S

I’ve been a sci-fi fan my whole life, almost as long as Tommy has. I’ve also followed the progress of actual space exploration, from the Voyager missions, to the Space Shuttle, to the ISS. Throughout that, there’s always been talk of the private exploration of space, especially space tourism and space mining. And every year it seems to be getting closer to reality. So when I saw these workhorse ships by Finn Roberts, which include some serious physics explanations behind their structure, function and propulsion, it makes the future not-so distant.

Plus they’re really cool!

A Little Patch Of Blue

With all the chaos and stress associated with the modern world, I sometimes wish we could go back to a simpler life, just living off of nature with constant and peaceful freedom. But then I remember that the great outdoors is not my forte, with things like mosquitos (eww) and diseases (double eww). I guess I’ll just stick to enjoying the jungle through this image by MassEditor.

New Ventures

It seems that the 1980’s classic spacemen have developed a sense of entrepreneurship and have decided to expand their ventures into space mining. With a crew this large and a fearsome machine, it is unquestionable that Andreas Lenander’s astronauts are on their way in making a multimillion credit business. It would seem that their skin color has also changed. Weird. Probably all that alien space dust.


I can tell you quite confidently that if I was cruising down the road and I spotted this cafe by builder Norton74 I would be tempted, in fact I might not even be able to override the autopilot of my truck. I love diners like these, it’s my favorite breakfast. Give me some bacon, scrambled eggs and morning fries any day of the week! Oh, but I’ll take that with tea please.


Builder Vince_Toulouse with another exceptional vehicle. This one looks like the result of a passionate night with a Blade Runner Spinner and a Tron cycle, with a tiny bit of art deco thrown in. And yes, if you’re inspecting that engine thinking “isn’t that a troll arm?” you are absolutely correct. This thing might struggle with corners, but who cares if you can roll down the street in such style.

Off-World Colonization Assessment Team

When you hear the term “micro build” it instantly conjure images of tiny structures tediously built at a very small scale. But what if you’re building something that is in it’s very nature massive, like a planet? Then even if it’s micro, it's still pretty big. That’s the case with this MOC by builder justin_m_winn, it’s massively micro, and you need to see all the pictures to get the details, click through for more.