"I Can Drive That Loader..."

One of James Cameron's true gifts is introducing technology that not only looks cool, but is plausible. You can really believe in the Power Loader. I can still remember watching this thing in Aliens so many years ago and just going "awesome" (with that sort of giddy little nerd dance you do in your seat). I really want to walk around in one of these some day.


The BrickNerd "Pimp My Nerdly" Contest

Hey fellow LEGO nerds, it's contest time! We want to see how you interpret or trick out Nerdly. Your creativity is the only limit in this contest. Lino Martins sparked this with his hot rod Nerdly, but how about a Star Wars Nerdly, or a Mickey Mouse Nerdly, or a Neo Classic Space Nerdly, or super hero Nerdly? (I think you see where we're going with this) Get your bricks out and enter by September 30th!

To download instructions for Nerdly visit this link.  But you don't have to follow them, get as creative as you want.

Visit the official Flickr group for rules and more info.

CHARL-Z Vs Fruit Sniper

I'm going to be sad when this round of Iron Builder is over. I'm still getting over when BrucyWan went up against CMaddison, so many MOCs, just, so many. Today we have an exceptional little mech, with rotors no less, up against an absolutely brilliant build of a watermelon caught in the act of being decimated by a sniper's bullet.

Fruit Sniper