The Alegna
/This cool steampunk MOC comes from Gabe Umland. It depicts Lahair on the deck of the Alegna, a floating boat. I love the design, it sorta reminds me of Mr. Kim's boat in Fifth Element, like a junk with no sail.
This cool steampunk MOC comes from Gabe Umland. It depicts Lahair on the deck of the Alegna, a floating boat. I love the design, it sorta reminds me of Mr. Kim's boat in Fifth Element, like a junk with no sail.
Legohaulic has crafted these emblems representing the five branches of the US military. They are, from left to right: Marines, Coastguard, Air Force, Navy and Army. These MOCs will be available at Creations for Charity.
Iron Builder separates the builders from the BUILDERS, as they craft marvelous MOCs at a frightening pace. TBB blogger and Iron Builder chairman Nannan has built this fantasy arena where great battles take place. And you can own it! Not only that but it can be signed by both chairmen and eight iron builders! It will be auctioned off at Creations for Charity very soon.
You can practically hear the faint minstrel music in the background, smell the dust in the air, taste the mead and feel the aged wood in this MOC by MinifigNick. So much detail and texture, I especially like the banners and the floor.
Well, this is quite the mashup, two Stephen King novels and LEGO. That was exactly the challenge for pif500 in the MocOlympics, and the results just work. Who knew It and The Shining could be combined.
Flickr user tkh brings us Nitroplus's iconic mascot Super Sonico. She's sporting her trademark headphones and classic curves in LEGO form here. Gotta love that pink hair.
Nice camera huh? Take a closer look. No really, take a closer look because it's FRIGGIN' LEGO!!! Orion Pax, you have blown my mind once again. Look at all that chrome! Look at that authenticity! Look at my jaw on the floor!
Here we go again. Moko has posted yet another totally awesome anime MOC, and I have no idea who it is. Yes, I could go to Google to find out and pass myself off as somewhat knowledgable, but that's not how I roll. Yup, blissfully anime ignorant, but appreciative of a good MOC. Check out that captured action!
Jon Hall is back with another spectacular aircraft. The color scheme on this one is excellent, the brown and tan contrast along with the white stripe are just perfect. Not a bad bit of photoshop lovin' on this either. As always, the complete package.
One of the more beautiful locations in the Star Wars trilogy (yes, I said trilogy) was Bespin. Realized almost exclusively through matte paintings originally, it was unique and lovely. It's too bad Han got frozen, Luke got the crap beat out of him, C-3P0 got blowed up real good and Lando went out of business (assumed). It probably put a bit of a damper on the place.
It's odd how a single film can transform a thing forever huh? The image of clownfish used to just conjure up images of tropical reefs and sea life. Now you see one and all you can think is Nemo! Nice MOC Amida Na.
Megan Rothrock and Mark Stafford lost a dear friend this week, their dog Bandit. I was fortunate enough to visit Megs and Mark while overseas and had the privilege of spending time with this awesome canine. Megan built this MOC a few years ago and it captured his essence perfectly.
Bandit, you were awesome.
I'd have to say, if it comes to looking through stuff, super strength, being bullet-proof, super breath, and, oh I don't know, FLYING Superman just might have the advantage. But hey, if you want to have a foot race then sure.
I have a confession to make, I still haven't seen Pacific Rim (rolls 20 sided die, OOOHHH critical hit, nerd cred -12). It's not that I didn't want to, but seeing movies where I live can be difficult and/or disappointing. But I promise to see it on Blu-ray soon. In the mean time I'll gawk at this amazing MOC by OliveSeon, holy amazeballs!
Devid VII has miniaturized one of my favorite sets in recent history, the Monster Fighters Haunted House. This is the same scale as the mini modulars and would fit right in as that spooky house you'd cross the street to avoid walking past.
It was exhausting, exhilarating, funny, sad, inspiring, unnerving, painful, refreshing, frustrating, rewarding and candid. But mostly it was just fun.
It was BrickCon, and I can't wait until next year.
From the "whop whop whop" at the street light to the roar of the engine as it takes off and from the tassels hanging from the grips to the glisten of the chrome, nothing is like a Harley. Bricksonwheels captures the essence of the HOG in this beautiful MOC.
What can I say, I'm a sucker for a good Zelda MOC, and this is a good Zelda MOC, and now you can have one too. Baron Von Bronk has made instructions for this awesome mech interpretation of Link from The Legend of Zelda. Head over to his blog to get your grubby little mits on his instructions and LDD files.
CustomBRICKS is back again (it's only been a day!) with another remarkable brick-built caricature. There is just something so appealing about a minimalistic approach. The plan is mount this (and others) in shallow shadow boxes, and I think it's brilliant. I wouldn't mind one of these hanging on my wall.
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